The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I'm Pretending to be a B(bl)

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As a Beta, Ning An's goal in life was to work hard, make money and get rich. However, his own dear father changed his aspiration and made him become a military academy student. Initially, he wanted to spend his days lazing about. What? The first place in the year gets a generous scholarship? Then staying up to study and train my body is nothing at all! The first place scholarship is definitely mine!

The A in the opposite dorm: So you're actually an O.

Ning An: Ah?

The A in the opposite dorm: I know. You're risking it all to prove that an O is not inferior to an A.

Ning An: You know my ass. Laozi is a B.

The A in the opposite dorm: You need to correctly recognise your own gender ah.

Ning An: .... Teacher. Report. I'm afraid this person is stupid.

note: Pretending to be a B' is 装B (Zhuang B). 装B also means to boast or show off

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