"Okay, is there like a backpack or something we could get for all this stuff?" Bill snorts. "Because I'm tired and I wanna go home and this whole conversation is irritating me."

"Someone's got their snark back," Emily smiles. "I'll get your discharge papers and I'm sure we can find a knapsack somewhere." Tom's eyes track the doctor leaving, turning back to his brother.

"She's nice. Perhaps you should try being kinder to her?"

"Kinder? Sure, when I grow wings and start fucking birds, dude," Bill chuckles.

"I swear, that mouth. We have to work on it," Tom chides. "This booklet has a lot of stuff. Here's to hoping you never have one of these tonic clonic/grand mal things and we should be in clear. I'm sure taking you off the medication should help you."

"Yeah. Here's to hoping. I just wanna go home. Get some sleep in my own fucking bed and then think about being home from that torture shack, called a school for two days."

"I can contact the school and get whatever work you'll need to catch up."

"Great. Something to bore me to tears," Billy snorts. "What if that's causing the brain party?"

"Don't joke like that." Bill straightens his face and looks away from his brother. "Sorry but until I know what's going on, no jokes okay? Save it for when you're cured."

"Fine. But can we get food after this? It's really early in the morning and I haven't eaten since I got admitted to this freak show."

"Alright. Here's your discharge papers and here's the treatment forms as well so they're aware of why you're still hooked up. I even grabbed a backpack for your little brother," Emily smiles. "Do you like Spider-Man?"

"Spider-Man? What the fuck? Does she think I'm seven years old?" Bill grumbles in German to his brother.

"I'm sorry," Tom chuckles. "it's perfect. Thank you so much."

"Of course. Well whenever you're ready, you're free to go." The doctor smiles again and walks out of the room.

"Are you kidding me? It's perfect!? Tom I'm way too old to be toting a Spider-Man backpack with wires coming off my head."

"You'll be fine. It's just two days and besides you'll be home and no one is going to see you." Rolling his eyes, Bill climbs out of the bed and stuffs the device into the bag and pulls his beanie over his head.

"I swear if anyone sees me like this and says anything to me on Monday, I'm getting expelled for kicking their ass," Bill groans.

"And we will cross that bridge if we get to it," Tom retorts. "Are you ready to leave or do you have a few more snarky remarks?"

"It's fucking Spider-Man dude!"

"I'll take that as you're ready to go." Passing Bill his jacket, the younger teen stomps out of the room and pulls bag onto his shoulder.

"You coming? Or am I driving myself?" Bill walks towards the exit when he slams into someone. "Watch where the fu—oh it's you, Andy."

"Oh hello, Bill, it's pretty late. Why are you here?"

"Nothing important. What about you?"

"Oh I shouldn't talk about my problems to you," Andy looks away. "But don't worry I'll be okay."

"Same goes for me," Bill retorts. "We should hang out some time."

"Yeah, sure. I gotta go but I hope whatever's got you here doesn't keep you here," Andy smiles. Tom is amused by the casual way these two spoke to each other. Truth be told he didn't know if Bill had any friends at his school and he knew that Andy and he ate lunch together but he didn't think they were this close.

My Choice (Third in the "Baby Brother Series)Where stories live. Discover now