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🍼-(little space)

🌼-(holiday plans)

⚠A small update⚠

🍼I haven't been able to be little in a while and it might take a bit but I'm working on it.
🍼I wanna get back into it but it's a bit hard right now and will most likely take some work.
🍼I did however get two new cups! One is an actual sippy cup and the other one is from one of the juice cup things you can get from like the gas station (hope you guys know what I'm talking about) and it has spider-man on it. It works pretty much like a sippy cup so...

🌼Next weekend I do go to Michigan. I leave on Friday and get there Saturday.
🌼I'm gonna be doing stuff there so maybe with all of the relaxing and stuff it'll be easier. (Especially since they have a Christmas store. Ooo the little in me is sooo excited!)
🌼I will keep you updated on it but yea. This is also a reason I might be on here a lot less than I usually am.

That's really all I have so Imma go now and you, beautiful people, have a wonderful holiday season!

Yours truly~


🍼🌼my little space🌼🍼Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant