I looked around all over the dorm room that we share with Alice and she was nowhere to be found.

I was starting to panic.

Where Could she be?

She was acting weird the day before. 

But I had to Remember she could've went to the local bakery to get some sweets.

So I ran around town going to all her favorite spots but she was nowhere to be seen.

So by the time I got back to the dorm it was night time.

And missed all my classes

"EUGEO WHEN THE WERE YOU!" Alice screamed at me.


Her eyes widened. 

"Eugeo i'm sure she's fine. But you can't just miss all your classes don't you want to be a"

"I don't care about that. I was only doing that because I thought that's what she wanted but if she's missing I have no reason to be here"

"But what I thought you always wanted to be one?" She sounded surprised.

"I said that when we were like seven? people change what they want to do"

"So you been lying to us about wanting to do for how long? Do you know how hard it was to get into the school?" She sounded angry.

"Look I have a hard time saying no to her so that's why I went along with it and that's why I work so hard to get here because I wanted to make her happy"

Alice slapped herself.

"I'm such a idiot" she said to herself.

I was going to go continue searching but I was stopped by her.

"Where are you going?"  She grabbed my arm

"Well to go look for her" I said sarcastically.

"You're not going to find her in the village or anywhere's near us" she looked down at the floor in shame.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what the fuck I mean Eugeo" I flinched because out of all three of us none of us swear.

She knew

"YOU KNOW SHE WAS LEAVING!?" I yelled at her again.

"Look I get it I fucked up but yelling at me is not going to fix the problem" she looked at up at me with tears in her eyes.

I decided to try to calm myself because honestly I'm a weakling when it comes to crying people.

So I just pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry.........I should've been listen to her" she said to me.

"Look we known her since well we been together forever. it's kind of our weakness that we listen to her stupidity" we laughed.

"Yeah She always got us in trouble" she wiped her tears while they were still some coming down.

"But isn't that what made us friends?"

"Yeah I guess I shouldn't have listen to her though" I tightened my arms around her and letting her know that I know she sorry.

"You don't need to apologize we both have done it. listen to her when we should have but one thing we both do is fix it. so you need to tell me where she's going and why is she running" she pulled away from the hug.

"Before I tell you why she ran away I need you to answer these questions honestly because I feel like I won't bother telling you why she was running away in the first place if you answer these questions wrong" she was serious.

what possibly can it be?

"I promise"

She nodded

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years with your wife?" That's a odd question.

"Well honestly I see ourselves in the house maybe because no one can really tell what's going to happen in the next 10 years" I said honestly.

She moved onto the next question.

"What is your opinion on children?" Another odd question.

"Well I love children they're wonderful but sometimes they're like little devils but I guess that's what you get when you go to raise children"

Next questions

"What would you do if you got the sudden news that you were a father we should be happy about the occasion or be sad about it?" What is this question?

"Well at first I'd be shocked probably but I will also be happy because I can become a father" she smiled.

"Well congrats your father" she hold up a positive pregnancy test.

I had no words

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