Bada-Bing Bada-Boom

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Oh Kurt...

I was treating Kurt for his injury since he decided to mess around with Boom Boom during a training session this morning, the green monster was on my shoulder.
Jealous?, yeah I'm damn jealous!

She's after Kurt, the way she looks at him...

I was so annoyed as I wondered what she had that I didn't. A flirty personality, maybe she was more fun? Less depressing?
I sighed irritably as I gently dabbed the scratch on his temple with cotton and disinfectant, he was making such a fuss.

"Ow! That hurts" he complained childishly.

"If you hold still it wouldn't hurt as much" I replied as I continued cleaning it.

"But it stings" he complained again as he seethed a little in pain.

"Be thankful you only have a scratch" I exclaimed annoyed, "from what I hear you could have lost your life all cause you were messing around with Tabitha".

"I guess".

I glared at him which caused him to flinch, "ok, definately".

I sighed as I pushed a bit of hair behind my ear then continued, for a moment I thought that was the end of the conversation but he started talking again, "Although it was fun while it lasted".

I could tell he was developing a crush on her, it was disheartening.

He likes her...

I growled irritably as my eyes were staring daggers causing Kurt to keep his hands up in defence, "But I did want to hurry up training for breakfast though, I swear".

"Hmph, whatever", I turned away as I began to clear away.


"I'm done, now get out. Uncle Charles is waiting".

Kurt lingered for a moment as if analysing me, he was worried, he usually is, never love. The fuzzball made a bee line out the door and was gone. When he passed the edge of the door I leant upagainst the side cabinet away from the door with a sigh as I placed one of my hand on my forehead.

I'm no more than a friend to him...


Timeskip to lunch time and the boys were sitting at a different table, I decided to sit with them since they looked kind of like they were the loners of the group.

"Hi guys, what's up?" I said as I began to sit down.

"Nothing much, we were just talking about the carnival", Scott replied in a fed up tone, "were you going to go with anyone Kurt?".

"No, no one".

I might as well have got Blob's strength and punch a hole through the cafeteria wall.

We were gonna go together!

Suddenly Tabitha was heading for the canteen and Kurt didn't waste a second to talk to her.
I tried to keep my feelings to myself cause that would have caused trouble if Kurt found out I had a crush on him.
It was so difficult to keep a handle on myself when Kurt's crush feelings was almost deafening and Tabitha's charming personality left a bitter taste in my mouth.
As Kurt and Tabitha were talking Scott noticed my discomfort and annoyance, it was taking me everything not to disappear in front of the entire school.
Scott subtly brushed his hand against mine in reassurance, I opened my eyes and took a deep breath just as Tabitha glanced over at me and gave me a smile before she began to leave.

What the hell?!

I noticed the graffti on one of Kurt's social studies books and shook my head as Kurt began to say how cool Tabitha was even though she stole his drink and almost got him killed today.
I rolled my eyes and began to get up along with Scott before warning the fuzzball to be careful.

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