C h a p t e r S e v e n

Depuis le début

Luke grips her chin and his expression becomes fierce. “You never have to worry about your safety or Charlie’s. I will protect you until my last breath.”

Robin ignores the wave of affection that comes over her at his words. No one, other than her dad, has ever promised to protect her like that. She’s usually been on her own, by choice or not, so the notion is completely foreign to her. Pushing the thoughts and feeling to the side she focuses on the problem at hand. He still hasn’t told her what it is exactly he’s running from.

“But from what? You’re not telling me anything.”

He sighs and leans his back against the couch. “I need you to not speak and just listen until I’m done explaining. Can you do that for me?”

Eager for information she nods.

“Okay. You’ve seen my wolf, the color of it I mean. It’s a rare color in my world. White wolves are seen as good luck charms and even said to hold magical properties. It a dangerous position when people want to either claim you for themselves or get rid of you just so no one can have the power but its not just packs I’m talking about here.”

Robin holds her breath fearing his next words.

“There are hunters out there. They capture and either kill or sell my kind on the underground market. Me, as a white wolf, am a big payday for most hunters. I’ve avoided them most of my life since I first shifted at but I can’t say everyone I’ve know has been left unharmed.”

“What do you mean?”

“I first shifted at five, males seem to shift earlier than most females who shift at the first signs of puberty. Anyway, I wasn’t just rare because of my coat but also because I was born of a wolf female. It’s highly rare for the gene to be passed so directly which was why I was so surprised to see Charlie able to shift.”

Robin nods letting him know she’s listening but her mouth is as dry as a desert. Charlie is rare, Luke is rare and rare means danger for them both. She’s trying to stay calm but the fear is starting to building in her to unhealthy heights.

“My mom took me from our pack as soon as she saw my wolf. She knew the danger and opportunity people would see in it and wanted to keep me safe. We became nomads, never staying one place to long but I was anxious, my wolf seemed to be stronger than most and demanded to be let out more often. One day I shifted without my mother there and that was when they saw me.

Hunters attacked our motel room, shot my mom up with wolfsbane and started trying to get her to tell them where I was. She didn’t tell them so they took her. I came back to the room seeing the mess, smelling the wolfsbane and blood and not finding a trace of her but they were waiting for me. I was twelve at this point and I was strong enough to fight them off but not without injury.”

Luke stops speaking to glare down at one of the scars on his arm. It’s a long one going from the topside of his wrist up to his elbow in a thick line of scar tissue. Robin, with a gentle hand places it over the scar and dips her head catching his eyes with hers.

“They don’t bother me.”

His lips twitch a bit, “I know.”

“So we’re dealing with danger from every angle here?” She asks softly while tracing the scar with her fingertips.

“Y-Yes.” He breathes out shakily. “But I’ll protect you. I’ll protect you and Charlie from anything or anyone who would even think of hurting you.”


“Why what?”

She focuses on the vision of her fingers moving across his skin, “Why would you protect us? Why would you come back when you didn’t even know about Charlie?”

“That’s a bit harder to explain.”

Robin nods figuring it’s more of a duty thing. He was just passing through, saw Charlie and decided to stay. His decision probably had nothing to do with her specifically. Why would it? She was a one-night stand that turned into an obligation in an instant. As the mother of his child she would automatically be under his protection.

“Don’t.” He pleads lifting her chin so he can look at her face, “Don’t think it’s out of any chivalry on my part, Robin. Me coming back has never been about that. If anything it’s more about my own selfishness than anything close to courtesy.”

“I…don’t understand.”

Luke runs a surprisingly shaky hand over his short dark hair as he lets out a deep breath. “Werewolves are different than humans but also the same. We have souls and with souls come soul mates. Due to the wolf side though we can sense ours better on a more animalistic level. The smell, the taste, even the touch of your mate is amplified.”

Robin frowns, where is he going with this?

“There is a reason that you affected me so much when I first laid eyes on you. There is a reason why I came back here looking for you. There is a reason why I am using all my self-control not to push you down on this couch and kiss you like I’ve been dying to since I saw you outside the restaurant dressed up for another.”

Robin’s heart is beating so fast she feels like its about to explode.

“Robin, you are my mate, my other half, my everything.”


Big reveal followed by....a cliffhanger? What? Yes, its true. Gotta keep you on the edge of your seat people! Anyway, I hope this was as good of a chapter for you as it was for me. 

Tell me what you guys think! I love hearing from you!


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