"Falcon, Viper, where are you now?"

"Heading towards Charlie's computer." I shouted just as I jumped over a flying bullet. "I'm under fire, it's might take awhile."

"I had to take a detour!" Sam yelled. I could hear crashing and things blowing up I the background. Some of them corresponding with the shaking of the carrier. "Oh, yeah! I'm in. Bravo locked."

"Two down, one to go." Maria sighed. "Kara? You good?"

"For now!" I shouted trying to dodge around the multiple shots coming at me from all sides. A bullet buried itself into my right shoulder mere seconds later. "Fuck!!!"

"Kara!" Everyone shouted at once.

"I'm good! I'm good, got a bullet lodged in my shoulder but I'm good! Fuck, that hurts." I growled dropping down a level to get a better aim at my attackers. "Isleen. How ya doing?"

"I'm fine. Bucky ducked out. Where are you?"

I glanced around, taking aim for a moment before shooting a round into the agent's skull. "Second floor down, two levels from the center."

"Isleen, get the chip from Kara." Steve ordered. "Kara stay put. I'm getting you out."

"On it, Cap."

I opened my mouth to argue with the both of them. I was shot not incapacitated. The bullet wasn't anywhere important just my shoulder. And then another bullet went through my abdomen.

A gasp tore through my lips before the scream ripped my throat apart.

"STEVE! I NEED SOME HELP HERE!" I rolled onto my stomach my knife leaving my hand and driving into Bucky's forearm. "On the other hand, Bucky's here. He's armed."

I pressed my hands to my stomach trying to stop the blood flow but it felt like I could feel my own life draining away.

"Kara! Holy shit! Cap, I found her! She's lost a lot of blood." Black spots flooded my vision mixing in with forest green eyes and black hair. "Kara, stay with me okay. Don't close your eyes you hear me!"

I tried. I really did. But I had lost so, so much blood. My vision faded and the last thing I felt was cold water.



I blinked awake feeling every ache as pain in my body.

"Hey, there, doll." Steve's voice sounded from my right. There was a shuffling noise that cut too deep into my head and then a sharp click. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I was shot." I groaned turning to look at him. My voice sounded rough, scratchy.

"Well, you were. I thought I told you not to scare me like that."

"Wasn't my fault. Yell at HYDRA."

Steve laughed lightly, his hand coming up to cradle my face. "I've already done that. You've been out for a week."

"Well, I basically died, again." I laughed, well, tried to laugh. It ended up turning into a harsh groan. "Remind me not to laugh. How bad is it?"

"It'll be a good scar."

I watched the guilty look overcome his face, waves of it hitting me moment later. "Aw shit, Steve. I thought I told you to stop blaming yourself for me getting hurt."

"You say that like you thought I would listen." He arched a brow his blue eyes barring into mine. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"Steve." I sighed finally feeling the last rib crack back together. My body winced.

"No. Kara. I promised you. A long time ago that I wouldn't let you get hurt and it seems like whenever your not with me, even if it's not that far away, you get hurt."

"I'm a spy, Steve. It's an occupational hazard. I've been shot too many times for me to even since about them. My entire body has been cracked like a twig in one way or another. I'm used to it." I brushed a strand of hair off his forehead. "Not to mention I remember telling you that I didn't agree to that promise."

Steve huffed a sigh, switching his gaze to the ceiling. His hands pulled back to his body. He was wearing his ring. A simple silver band engraved with the date we were married, on the inside. It was the first time I'd see him wear it since we were married. "Yet I distinctly remember arguing with you about it until you gave in. I promised you, Kara. And I've broken that promise so many times over."

I shook my head slightly, rolling my eyes. Damn, he was stubborn. "котенок, I love you, but you have to realize that there are going to be times when you can't protect me. Times where you're not going to be there to protect me. And sooner or later you're going to have to realize that and get used to it. I'm a spy, and I was an assassin, I can protect myself. And I swear the next time I get shot, or I break something, I'll make sure you're the first to know."

"I hate that you're right."

"I know you do. So," I clapped my hands together after pulling myself free from the IV. "When can I get out of here?"

Steve chuckled slightly. "I love you."

"I love you too, котенок. But seriously, when can I leave, I hate hospitals."

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