Chapter Thirteen

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So it's fairly obvious that Kara isn't really all that torn up about the baby in the last chapter but she was also trained by the Red Room so she knows how to keep her emotions behind closed doors when she's on mission. I just don't want people coming at me for it. We are also almost done with the book. There's maybe this chapter and then like the next one will be like about the aftermath of AoU. Idk I'm undecided.



"Falcon, status?" Maria muttered over the comms.

I griped tightly onto the edge of the building, attaching the grappling hook to pole.


I whipped my head over my shoulder to watch Sam fly down to the other hellicarrier. Taking down HYDRA jets that were following.

"Alright, Cap, I'm in."

"Sam, look out!" I shouted flipping backwards off the edge.


My feet planted firmly against the window, smashing though on the second impact. I tumbled across the room, glass shredding my skin, only to land right in front of Isleen.

"Kara? What are you doing?"

I blinked blood out of my eyes to look at her. Her bruises and cuts had healed over in the hours she had been hiding with Bucky.

"Uh, stopping the launch." My voice sounded distorted. Waterlogged and metallic.

"With what? They can't be stopped I tried."

I clicked my tongue pushing off the floor. "You don't have S.H.I.E.L.D. Data-chips."

"And you do?"

"I have one of them. Steve has the other and Sam has the third. Nat's somewhere in S.H.I.E.L.D." I yanked a piece of glass out of my thigh, ripping my shirt once more to tie around the wound. God, I felt bad for the security worker on shift when these were taken. There going to be coming back torn up and bloodier than before. "How's Bucky? You guys get out?"

"Eight minutes, Rogers'."

I smiled slightly. Maria definitely had a smirk on her face. I could hear it in her voice.

"Working on it." Steve shouted.

"No. Well, I did. They grabbed Bucky before we could make it out the door. They knocked him out with something."

"Great." I muttered before tapping my comm. "Steve, Isleen has come into play. She's here. And so is Bucky."

"She's here? She got a comm?"

"She does now." I whipped around, tossing one to her while throwing my foot into Bucky's stomach. "Channel Seven!"

"Seven secure." I heard her mutter before a wall of fire went up between Bucky and I. "You get the chip to the command center. I'll take care of him as best I can!"

I glanced between the fire and her. A curt nod was all it took for me to sprint towards the center of the carrier.

My feet pounded against the metal grating coming close to an agent. I slid underneath them my daggers slashing across their Achilles' tendon. I rolled to a stop popping to my feet as I came to a new opponent.

He threw his fist towards my face. I ducked under it, flipping backwards. My foot slammed into his jaw and threw him backwards, swearing.

"Alpha locked."

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