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Everything is scattered on the ground. Most of the things are something that they never seen before but there are few that Jin Zixuan recognize. He walked forward and picked the most familiar item to him, he can't be mistaken and there's no way that there are two of it in this world.

"This is... my father's fan." The fan is specially made for Jin Guangshan, on its golden handle, words that the Jin Sect could only understand are engraved. It's a made up words that are combined together by them.

[A/N: I only made up the thing about the fan LOL, forgive me XD ]

"Why it's here?" Jin Zixuan caressed it gently. When Jin Guangshan died, he was looking for it everywhere but it's nowhere to be found. Jin Zixuan thought that it's gone for good, but then right now it suddenly appeared in front of them along with unfamiliar things. He looked at the ground again, he picked up everything one by one until only one item remains lying on the ground. An old and burnt book, he opened it and there were a lot of useful information inside but that's not what caught his attention. After flipping pages after pages, on one of the pages there are words that are written on it.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jin Zixuan uttered. Everyone exchange glances to each other, Jin GuangYao who's been silently watching from behind couldn't take it anymore. He stood beside Jin Zixuan and looked at the book.


Jin GuangYao sighed after reading the message written in the book, he's not shaken, not even a bit. This is not enough to reveal all of his sins. With only this, no one would even think of suspecting him about anything. He patted Jin Zixuan on the shoulder and give him a comforting smile.

"Don't think too much, someone must be playing a fool of us. Whoever put this fan here must be the one who stole it before. Let's discussed about it later, everyone has arrived already." Jin GuangYao words sounds sincere it made everyone think that he only mean good and nothing more.

"Mnn" Jin Zixuan nodded.

"Let's go back inside." Jin GuangYao suggested. They turn they're back and about to leave when they suddenly heard a roar nearby. Everyone was shocked and terrified, even the servants know what is that sound and all of them have the same question.

"Why it sounds so near?" The one that making the sound is none other than an undead, But why an undead would be here in the Koi Tower? If it entered the place, every cultivator should have noticed it by the time it set a foot in. The answer is that, it's been here way before but another question is who put and keep it here?

Everyone panicked and start unsheathing their swords, everyone scattered to search for the undead. There are times that the sound is getting louder as they open door after door but there's also some time that the sound gets softer and lower. They almost flipped the whole place upside down but there's no single trace of an undead was found.

"Keep searching!" Voices everywhere echoes as they command each other to look for the uninvited guest today.

"Wait! Silent!" Nie Mingjue commanded.

Everyone went silent and listened carefully, the groan of the undead goes low and high. Nie Mingjue turn left and move forward while the others follow his lead. He didn't stop until he reached a door, the door is carved with Lanling Jin sect crest. Nie Mingjue has been at the koi tower for couple of times already, for sects or personal matters, and sometimes he visit just to say hi and have a long chat with one of his sworn brothers. And he knows well where the door in front of them leads to...

"A-Yao... This, this is your room right?" Nie Mingjue shifted his eyes to Jin GuangYao who's been silent since they started searching.

Jin GuangYao was silent for a moment, fear is taking over his heart in the moment but he steel himself to avoid suspicions. "Yes it is brother! But I have no idea why there's such sounds coming from there. I was in there awhile ago and there was nothing at all." He smiled.

"I see, but we're still checking it." Nie Mingjue glared at him and took steps towards the door. He extended his right hand to open the door but at that moment Jin GuangYao rushed into him and pulled him away. "Brother! I---I can't let you enter the room, this room... I promised that I won't let anyone enter my room" Jin GuangYao hold him as if his dear life is on the line.

It's true that there was nothing in there when he left his room but he can't calm down and definitely cannot be rest-assured because of that message that was left by an unknown person.

"What's wrong with you? The sound is coming from your room, we have to see it for ourselves. I don't care what's this promise all about." Nie Mingjue brush him off  and frowned. "You... right now, you act the same back then. When your brother died... When XuanYu died, you also seem listless." He added.

Jin GuangYao got scared, the thing he fears the most... Was he found out? Does Nie Mingjue know or is he just making assumptions?


A/N: So... I forgot if i did mention something about Qin Su (Jin GuangYao wife) and their son. Tell me if I already did LOL before I make mistakes. Anyway Thank you for always supporting :) 

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