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〖No One's Pov 〗

"No! No! please let me go! I need to find eleven!" A girl screamed while being dragged, By her papa's workers. They dragged her into a white room with two chairs and a table. The workers let her down While exiting the room, locking the stone door.

Twelve, or Y/n as she likes to go by, looks around the room to see Papa sitting in a chair, looking down at her. Y/n slowly got up with tears in her eyes. "Come here my dear Y/n," Her Papa said motioning to the chair across from him. Y/n shakily got up, She was wearing a black full bodysuit. Y/n slowly sat on the chair.

Number twelve watched as Papa grabbed a Can, placing it on the table, "Nothing on my head this time..?" Y/n wearily asked, tears stained on her cheeks. "That's right, You've watch eleven do it, now it's your turn." Y/n listened to her papa while slowly nodding.

Y/n concentrated on the can, Blackness surrounds the can, While The blackness crushed the can. Y/n looked at her Papa to see him smiling at her, "Very good!" Papa raised his arm up in the air. Suddenly Y/n's papa's workers came in and grabbed her by the arms, "Bring her to the Tank."

Y/n Cried out, "Papa! please not again!" Y/n cried struggling against the people holding her arms.

Y/n's arms were being forcefully held up, as they strapped a rope around her waist. Y/n looked at her Papa as he grabbed onto her hand bringing her up the steps to get into the Tank. Y/n held her Papa's hand harshly, "I don't want to!" Y/n cried trying to get away from the Tank full of water. "Papa! please at least a helmet!" Cried Y/n as Her papa pushed her into the tank of the water.

The lid of the tank snapped shut, so number twelve couldn't get out. Y/n Held her breath under the water, She opened her eyes to see her Papa and scientists, looking at her. Y/n placed her hands on the glass of the tank, she slammed her hands on the glass nothing happening.

Y/n opened her breath from the lack of air. A black bubble formed over her head, Air in the bubble allowing her to breathe. She let out a gasp of her, while everything was black when she looked around in the black bubble. "E-Eleven?" Y/n called out. Seeing Eleven wrapped around in a blanket with a yellow shirt on. She was in some sort of kitchen.

Eleven turned her head, only to gasp, "Eleven!" Y/n cried out in joy, Reaching her arm out to touch her. Eleven suddenly was swiped away like dust.

The Black bubble around Y/n's head suddenly popped, Y/n's hand was on the glass. Y/n Felt a tug on her waist, to see the rope getting tugged up, pulling her out of the Tank. Someone wrapped a towel around Y/n, "What did you see? Where's your sister, Is she alive?!" Papa yelled, While harshly gripping onto Y/n's shoulders.

"K-Kitchen..." Were all the words Y/n said, her wet H/c hair slightly dripping on the floor. Y/n timidly took a look at her angry Papa. He scowled, "We'll try again in the morning! You better find Eleven!" He said outraged. "Bring Twelve to her room." He said turning around to leave.

Y/n turned to the people who were about to grab her, "Walk...I can-" She tried to speak to only be harshly pushed, and picked up, to be brought to her room.


Number twelve! Yandere various Stranger things x reader!Where stories live. Discover now