Steve Rogers x Reader

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A/n: Mild Language

The city was in an absolute state of chaos. People were running and screaming while cars and buildings were being blown apart by aliens coming out of a portal in the sky. The Avengers were doing their best to fight the aliens called the Chitauri off but that left getting the citizens to safety to SHIELD agents. You were a SHIELD field medic and you were currently running through the streets gathering scared citizens and directing them to safety points while checking for any injured people.

"Come on people lets move! Follow the officers to 39th street!" you yelled urging a group of people away from an over turned car.

A flash of red, white, blue caught your vision as you were directing people down the street. Captain America was making his way down the street and killing any hostiles that came his way. You had worked with most of the Avengers before but Captain America was the one who had caught your eye. Black Widow enjoyed tormenting you about your little crush but you would always bite back that the super soldier would never like a lowly SHIELD Medic like you. Cap stopped in the middle of the street as he realized he was surrounded by multiple Chitari. Even though you were a field medic you still carried a gun which you pulled out of its holster and began firing. The gun fire pulled the attention away from Cap momentarily so he could regain his ground. A stray bolt of energy caught you in the shoulder from a Chitauri flying over but you kept on firing at the aliens surrounding Cap. As soon as all the Chitauri were dead, he ran over to you.

"Thanks for the cover fire but are you alright?" Cap asked looking at your bleeding shoulder.

"Just a scratch. I'll live." You grunted out a laugh.

You began to pull out your med kit but stopped when Iron Man flew over head with a flying mammoth creature right on his tail. Unfortunately with the creature so big and the street so small, it crashed into the building right next to you and the Captain. You and Cap were ready to bolt but something caught your eye and made you stop. A kid. A kid was hiding underneath the pillars that were holding up the side of the building that the giant creature just rammed into.

"Shit." You whisper-yelled to yourself as you ran towards the kid.

Cap didn't realize what you were doing till he spotted the kid as well. You reached the kid first but the side of the building came falling down around you before you could get away. You shut your eyes and held the kid close to you so that they wouldn't be injured by any falling debris. In seconds you were buried in rubble but strangely nothing hit you. After the ringing in your ears finally stopped, you looked around. The kid you were holding was unconscious but to your surprise Captain America was leaning over you holding his shield above his head, which was holding up the rubble from crushing the three of you.

"Are you two alright?" Cap grunted.

"The kid's unconscious but he's ok." You replied while coughing out some rubble.

"What about you, you're not looking too good?" Cap asked slightly concerned

"Slight blood loss I'll be fine, just have get some bandages from my med-" You stopped short as you released you left your med kit on the ground outside the rubble.

"Kit...shit" You said again feeling slightly dizzy.

"Hey stay with me...uh...." Cap grunted as the rubble began to weigh down more on him.

"Y/n" you answered the Captain's silent question. You felt your cheeks heat up but hid it by slapping yourself in the face to keep yourself awake.

"I'm sorry Captain, if I just had been a little faster we wouldn't be in this mess." You said after a moment of silence hanging your head

"It's not your fault Y/n but call me Steve." Steve said trying to comfort you.

"...Thanks Steve." Y/n muttered.

Moments passed as explosions could be heard outside the rubble and Cap grunting every once and a while shifting his weight under his shield.

"So what do you do when you aren't working as a shield agent?" Steve said trying to lighten the crushing mood.

"Don't laugh but I like to go swing dancing on my days off." Y/n said shifting her hold on the kid.

"After we get out of here you should show me some time." Steve's chuckled but his chuckle turned to a groan as he was slowing getting lower to the ground as the weight of the rubble started to become too much for him to hold up.

You scooted closer to Steve placing the kid on the ground and used your good shoulder to help hold up the rubble. You could hear more blasting outside the rubble as it began to shake more. You begin to cough as the rubble shifted violently. Steve pulled you and the kid close to him waiting for the rubble to crush the three of you. Instead of crushing you the rubble was lifted into the air letting fresh air and sun light into the small area where you were crouching.

"You owe me twenty bucks Tony." Black Widow said as she pulled you, Steve, and the kid out of the collapsed building.

Other medical agents came and took the kid away to treat his injuries.

"Yeah yeah.." Tony grumbled as he tossed away the rubble he had picked up.

"For what?" Both you and Steve at the same time.

"For Y/n admitting they like to go swing dancing and Cap making it a date." Widow winked as she took her 20$ from Tony before she ran off to fight more Chitauri with Tony flying on her tail.

"I'm gonna kill her later," Y/n said as they shook their head, "I'll see you later Steve, got more people to save!" Y/n saluted as they went to find their med kit.

Steve watched you go and smiled to himself thinking about having a date later. Screaming Chitauri flying overhead took his gaze away from you. With one last look in the direction you had run off, Steve ran after Widow and Tony to finish the fight.

I don't know about this one it just kinda happened 🤣


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