001; I like your converses!

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It's not uncommon for Sakuya to muck up during class, constantly talking to his friends and cracking jokes to make all his classmates laugh. What is uncommon, however, is his teacher, Aihara-sensei, sending him to sit next to someone else as punishment for his actions.

"Watanuki, you're being too loud. Move to the back next to Itomo," she tells him, arms crossed with a pointed look.

'Who?' Sakuya thinks with a frown and he turns around in his seat, red eyes settling on brown ones owned by a yellow haired girl who raises her hand to sheepishly wave at him. Next to him, Ryusei is struggling to hold in his laughter at the boy's consequences while Koyuki and Mahiru, who are sitting in front of them, shake their heads with small smiles at his stupid antics.

"Now," his teacher says sternly.

"Okay, Aihara-sensei," he says with a grin and gets up from his seat, slinging his book bag onto his shoulder. Once he's sat down next to Itomo, the class continues, and he takes the time to have a good look at the girl.

She's pretty, that much anyone can tell just from a glance. Her hair is short and coloured a highlighter yellow that contrasts smoothly against her olive skin. She's wearing black glasses that frame her brown eyes and she's slouching in her seat, fiddling with the hem of her skirt. Her cheeks are tinted pink as she's obviously avoiding eye contact with him. 'Cute,' he thinks, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a smile.

"Hey," he whispers, and she jumps in her seat, surprised that he's talking to her. He chuckles, "I'm Watanuki Sakuya."

Eyes trained on the teacher, she bites the inside of her cheek and whispers back, "I'm Itomo Kasey, it's nice to meet you."

He raises his eyebrows in surprise, "foreign?"

"Yeah, my mum is Australian and my dad is Japanese," she explains, glancing over at him from the corner of her eye. "I, uh... I only moved here to Japan three months ago."

"That's so cool!" He exclaims, earning him a glare from Aihara-sensei, "I've always wanted to go to Australia."

She only gives him a curt nod in response, killing the conversation instantly. He pouts when she starts doing her work, copying whatever is being written on the board into her book. For reasons unknown to him, he spends the rest of class staring at her and all of her yellow stationary. Literally everything on her desk is yellow, from her pencil case to her pens to the headphones sitting snugly around her neck. Hell, even the jacket she's wearing is yellow, and it's not even part of the school uniform.

The bell rings, signalling the end of class and he watches as she packs all her things away. When she stands up, he notices her shoes; beat up yellow converses. Something she must get in trouble for considering the fact that while students can get away with wearing an out of uniform jacket, they can't get away with wearing the wrong shoes. Surely she's gotten a detention for wearing them! His friends gather around his seat and begin talking to him, but he can't take his eyes off Kasey.

"Hey, I like your converses!" He gets up and shouts once she's about to walk out of the room.

She freezes in her spot, turning to him with wide eyes and pink cheeks.

"U-Uh... thank you?" She responds hesitantly, scratching at the back of her neck. "I'll see you tomorrow, Sakuya-kun."

She's out the door before he can even respond.

"Oh~ does Sakuya-kun have a wittle cwush?" Ryusei teases him and they all begin to laugh.

"Of course not! I just like her converses," he explains, waving his hands around for extra effect.

He likes more than just her shoes, but they don't need to know that.

YELLOW CONVERSES / sakuya watanukiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora