32. A New Adventure

Start from the beginning

Smiling, she stared longingly at the pirate as he walked away. Indeed, no other man had ever touched her the way Jack did; no man talked to her the way he did; no man made her feel the way he did. He was something special and she was so glad that he was back in her life.

Gibbs' words brought her back from her thoughts to the real world. "Do you have any idea of what is the captain's next plan?"

She shook her head in denial, looking back at her friend. "Not really, he simply told me he needed to talk to someone about some business. Didn't say more."

"He told you more than me, then," the man said with a light chuckle.

"Well, I am his first mate after all," she reminded him, leaning back on the chair and drinking.

"And he's courting you, too."

That word made Narissa choke on her drink. "We haven't really... We've never concluded that we're a couple... Officially."

"It doesn't have to be official." Gibbs stopped talking to look around for a moment, making sure that nobody was listening to their private conversation. "Jack really likes you, I can see it, I know him well. He's liked you since the day you met. He has never stuck to any woman, you're the exception. I sense he's going to keep you around for a long time," he said matter-of-factly.

Giving him a friendly smile, she really hoped that his words were true. "I never thought I'd talk with you about something like this, Josahmee. You didn't like me much years ago. In fact, you didn't trust me at all."

"Oh, but I was right not to trust you. Aye?"


~ 10 years before ~

The crew of the Black Pearl had started their quest to find Isla de Muerta and the aztec treasure, but first they stopped at the pirate hideout of Tortuga. Narissa entered the familiar tavern of the island to find her captain. She had agreed that she'd meet him there once she had bought the supplies for the ship. Hector Barbossa, the captain's first mate, guarded the Black Pearl at the docks, along with Pintel and Ragetti. Little did she know that on that night the talks about a mutiny began.

The place wasn't too crowded, which was uncommon, so she was able to find the young Jack Sparrow in no time. He sat at the same table where she had met him, next to the bar counter. And just like the day she had met him, Joshamee Gibbs was sitting by his side. During the past months, Jack had talked to her about his dear friend.

Despite working for his enemy, Jack trusted Gibbs like a childhood friend. Mr. Gibbs was a modest man who worked for the Royal Navy and he, as many others who served the Crown, was underpaid, usually cheated of his payment or beaten for the most insignificant reasons. Every time he had some free days, he spent them in Tortuga amongst people that understood him better. Lately, and convinced by people like Jack, Joshamee had started to believe that the life aboard a pirate ship was more humane and democratic than the military service.

The moment she sat with them at the table, Jack winked at her and Narissa, with her teenage heart, prayed that he wouldn't notice her reddened cheeks.

There were only two jugs full of booze on the table and Narissa felt insulted by that. "You knew I was coming, captain. I thought you'd order a drink for me."

Laughing, the young captain explained "Sorry, Nari, but the last time you drank you could barely hold your liquor." He was referring to a few nights before, when she had drunk for the first time, dancing and singing with the crew until her face met the floor violently. The truth was that her father didn't allow his crew to drink on the ship, so Narissa had never had the chance to try alcohol when she'd served on his ship.

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