32. A New Adventure

Start from the beginning

Despite all the chaos, Narissa was able to spot Jack and Gibbs at their usual table. With a sigh, she sat down with them, finding three jugs full of rum on the table, one of which was waiting for her. She was thankful that the men had ordered a drink for her, because it would have been nearly impossible to get one between all that turmoil.

"Any news from the whelp?" the captain asked her. He grimaced when the monkey stood in front of him on the table.

After taking a large gulp of the sweet rum, she shook her head. "Nothing. I asked the postwoman to search better, I'll go check if there's any letter tomorrow." Holding the jug tightly between her hands, she concluded "Maybe they don't want to write back, they could get in trouble." The thought saddened her, but it was possible. She was a wanted pirate, if someone caught them sending letters to her, who knows what would happen to them. "Maybe I should stop writing to them as well."

Gibbs recognized the sadness in her voice. "Don't say that, Miss Narissa. I'm sure that Miss Swann and the Turner boy really want to write back. There must be a reason for this."

"Aye, sometimes letters get lost at sea," Jack added with a shrug of his shoulders. He wished he could say something more, but he wasn't that good with words when it came to feelings.

"I hope you're right," she muttered to herself.

After some talking and drinking, a man staggered towards their table. He was obviously drunk. Standing behind Narissa, he leaned over her shoulder with a repulsive smile plastered on his face.

"What's a woman like you doing with two men like these?" he asked with a throaty voice, trying - and failing - to sound charming.

Not liking the tone of the man's voice and his closeness to Narissa, Jack immediately warned him "Get away from her, mate. She'll kill you if I don't do it first." His tone held anger and disgust, and his hand moved slowly towards the handle of his sword. He wasn't a jealous man, he knew that Narissa was loyal to him, but he also knew that she hated it when men approached her like that.

The man, who stank of alcohol, laughed mockingly. "Come on, the pretty lass is sulking with you. She could use some fun. Right, dearie?" He grabbed her arm quite aggressively.

The woman stood up abruptly and hit him firmly on the face with her elbow, knocking him out. One single blow was enough to have the man laying on the dirty floor, unconscious and with a broken nose. Kneeling next to his body, Narissa searched him and found some coins in the pockets of his coat. After giving them to the monkey, he kept them in the small leather bag that he carried.

"You let that animal keep your money?" Gibbs asked incredulously.

Sitting back down, she explained "That way, they won't steal it from me. Nobody's going to rob a monkey."

Jack found himself smiling like an idiot. She was brilliant; he loved that about her! Shaking his head with a laugh, he said "You shouldn't trust that monkey with your money. The moment you aren't looking, he'll spend it on peanuts."

"That's the second man that tries to touch me today," she complained, looking back at the unconcious man that laid behind her chair.

Still bitter, the captain said "You're an attractive woman, love."

She took a drink of the golden liquor and added "And they are bloody stupid. Don't they see I have not one, but two swords?"

"Men stop thinking when they see a bit of skin," Jack grunted, now eying every man that walked near Narissa. "Not my case, of course," he added quickly as he saw Narissa, who was sitting in front of him, arching an eyebrow and smirking playfully at him. Jack smiled at her, showing a few of his gold teeth. "Now if you'll excuse me," he ended as he finished his drink with a long gulp. "- I have to find someone." As he passed by her side, he leaned into her ear, whispering with a husky voice "You be ready for tonight. I'll show you why I'm the only one who can touch you." He squeezed her shoulder as a goodbye gesture, leaving a fluttering feeling in her stomach.

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