I Don't

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"I-I um, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I um, reallylikeyouUraraka!" the last part came out as a jumbled mess, but he hoped it was an understandable mess.

Uraraka's face flushed a bit darker but a sad apologetic smile was creeping up her face "I'm sorry, Izuku," he flinched at the use of his first name, "but," she laughed quietly, it was a melancholic hollow sound. "I don't feel the same way, I'm really sorry Izuku.
"But I'm not going to lie to you, I used to really like you,
probably to much for my own good, but by my calculations you're about one year too late, I guess I finally came to terms with the fact you'd never like me during our second year, and slowly started moving on," Uraraka laughed again, but this time it sounded more bitter.

"I did like you then," Izuku muttered quietly, not loud enough for Uraraka to hear, but she did catch the slight movement of his lips.

She shifted from one foot to the other, internally debating wether or not to ask what he said, before deciding screw it "w-what was that?"

"I--," his face flushed deeper, "Ididlikeyouthenbutiwastoonervoustosayanything."

Uraraka snickered bitterly "ironic, right?" to her credit she was trying to lighten the mood, but when she saw Izuku's face twist into a deeper grimace she sighed, the apologetic smile making her way back up to mask the disappointment and sadness behind it.

"I'm sorry Izuku."

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