Chapter 1

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(A/N): I like to make a fanfic about erenxmikasa then here is it, wohoo, by the way I have wrong grammars in this story so I'm sorry in advance xD please support my story and looking forward of your votes and comments thanks ~chibistal

Mikasa's PoV

"Mikasa,You are a titan" My father said in the middle of eating but suddenly I stop eating when I heard the word titan

"What father?!?!"I said with a shock voice there is no way I would be a titan in my whole entire life

"I should have tell you earlier since you are 18 already, because if you will become 18 years old u will become a titan in 9:00 pm " My father said with a serious voice, but my birthday was already done yesterday and he is gonna tell it to me today?!?!?

"What father ??? You've gotta be kidding me you also knew this mom??" I said standing up and ask my mother she nodded and I exhaled "no way" I continued

"So if you became a titan u can't control the titan but u will be lose control " My mom said, why would this happened to me, I never dream to become a titan I like to save people

"So is there a possibility that I can kill all the people here??" I asked and wanna know the answer I clench my hand

"Yes.." Said my father, tears dripping on my face

"No way, its almost 9 no why you didn't tell me earlier mom and dad why??" I asked and its already 9 my body color change and my hand is trembling, I hugged my mom and dad

"No, mom, dad no !! Why!!!" I said and everything was black like I was sleeping but my father said something and trying to hear it properly "you're a colossal titan girl" what?!?!?

Blood?? What is this did I eat a blood? I woke up like nothing happened and trying to clear the vision and wipes my eyes with my hand fire?? What a shock I saw in my eyes our city is full of destruction all the houses are broken into pieces and I think I was the only one who is alive all the people died

I looked at my clothes they are full of blood and my hands also my face, I cried and cover my tears with my hand

"Why is this happening all the people are dead " And I wiped my tears and I looked mom and dad maybe they are alive

When I looked at my back they're head the one I saw

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" I shout very loud this is just a bad dream and I suddenly lost conscious

My Body was so weak I tried to open my eyes and looked somewhere my vision is so blurry the for a second its clear, I saw an old man with a chair

"Mikasa at least your okay" An old man said, like he totally knows me

"Who are you??" I asked with a broken voice, I can't talk properly yet

"I'm your grandfather" Shocked on my face, my father didn't told me I have a grandfather

"What?!?! My father didn't told me " I said while getting up but my back hurts so I didn't get up

"It is just your father hates me because my wife I fell in love with is a colossal titan too and your father is half human and a titan that is why" My grandfather said with a depressed face

"But grandfather why I am a titan how to like not to be a titan?!?!?" I said with a question face, I have so many question that is not yet answer

"I have this necklace you were it always if its 9:00 u can't be a titan if you wore that necklace so wear it, and there is also one but I can't tell it " My grandfather said and give the necklace I took it and wore it what would be the other one totally curious

"You go back to sleep my grand daughter you need some rest" And I went back to sleep I closed my eyes and, it still in my mind why should I be a titan?

Eren's PoV

Good day and a beautiful clouds how nice is the weather today, I bring a pail of water cause my step grandfather ask me too and walking to my house not really my house but my step grandfather and Eren's house

Since I arrived to my house I opened the door and put the pail of water beside the door and I went to the bedroom

I saw a pale white girl sleeping like a snow princess and her hair is short and black it kind a suits to her

And her face is shining like a sun and so beautiful

I went nearer to her face but then she suddenly open her eyes and that creeps me out and stunned me

"Who are you?" She said with a low voice, I swallowed but for some reason when I looked to her eyes its look like I'm in the new world

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