Me: welp that's good to know.

Dom: What?

Me: It's either me or Halsey Dom...can't be both...take your pick

Dom: it's hard..

Me: Do you want the bitch who's gonna fuck you over AGAIN or me? Can't be that hard but hey...what do I know...Oh right more then you think..I shouldn't even be "surprised" I knew what was going on but I didn't want to believe it...but I guess I was right. I knew you were still with her I just didn't say anything because I didn't want you thinking I was "over reacting" or "being nosey" but I knew it...and not gonna lie...I don't get it but it seems I don't get a lot of things.

Dom: I'm sorry...and that's not true.

Me: Then what is? Because it seems like I was right and that it is true!! I mean I don't get it Dominic I really don't...but I don't have a say in it anymore sooo... who is it gonna be? Me or her? But sweetie..... I hate to break it to you but..Halsey is just gonna keep doing what she did in the beginning and you know that why put yourself through it all over again? Is she really worth all that pain she caused you? She caused you all that pain yet your gonna go back crawling to her in hopes she wouldn't do it again, smh...

Dom: I'm sorry y/n...I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to hurt you...

Me: well guess what? You didn't hurt me, but she's gonna hurt you and when she does don't you dare say I didn't tell you so, don't you dare come to me saying I was right about her, that's she's just gonna fuck you over again...hell even your best friends don't like her Dominic, seriously your eyes, I know you got them.

Dom: I know...

Me: Pick Dom, me or her... It can't be both..

                   ~ End of texts ~

It's been a little over a month since you talked to Dom, you haven't talked to him since..well since he told me that they were dating, that's when you realized he picked her instead.

All those late night talks, secret sharing, tellin each other your deepest darkest secrets etc. Meant nothing to him, you never realized just how much he hurt you that day...if anything you were couldn't feel right then and there, you didn't know what emotions were right then and there, you couldn't feel anything, you didn't know how to.

               ~ 4-5 months later ~

Dom moved on with Halsey and you moved on with your life, Dom and Halsey ended up getting married and Dom invited you to the wedding.

You were walking your dog to the mail box to get the mail, that's when you saw the wedding invitation, you picked up y/d/n (your dog's name) and walked back to the house.

You put y/d/n down and walked to the kitchen table, you opened the looked for the names because you didn't know of anyone getting married, that's when you saw their names...

You gotta be fucking kidding me right?! After what he did he wants to invite me to his WEDDING??!

You thought as you were reading it, it gave me the address, location, stuff like that.

"Fuck you Dom I'm not going to your stupid fuckin wedding" you said to yourself as you tore up the invitation and threw it away in the garbage.

Is he insane or on something??! What made/makes him think I wanna/I'd go to his stupid ass wedding?!

You said to yourself/your dog, of course your dog didn't know what was going on so he started wagging his tail, so you picked him up and started cuddling him.

You decided on not going Because 1, you didn't feel like getting into a fight and 2, you just didn't want to see Dominic after what he did.

After you threw away the invitation you looked at the clock and it said it was 10:30pm so you decided to get ready for bed and watch TV in the front-room.

You ended up falling asleep and then waking up at 7:00am you made breakfast and went to work after ate it.

After you got home from work you did the same thing, get ready for bed, watch TV in the front-room, fall asleep and wake up.

You moved on after that incident with Dominic and Halsey, you ended up finding the love of your life....Andy.....Andy Biersack.

Andy proposed to you about 2-3 years into the relationship, of course you said yes! (Authors note* I mean who tf wouldn't it's Andy Biersack!) You guys got married and had 4 kids (Authors note* I know thas a lot of kids sorry lol) 3 boys and 1 girl, Dominic and Halsey had 2 kids, both boys and everyone moved on with their life's and lived happily ever after.

                     ~ The End ~


Authors note

I'm sorry this isn't a smut I couldn't think of anything to write, but I thought of this and I figured this was better than not posting/updating at all.

I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy it that much as you did the others, I actually tried on this one and it still came out terrible (this may or may not be based on a personal experience, but that's for your imagination to figure out ;) )

Anyway thank you so freaking much for all the love and support on this book, I don't even know how/why people like it, the chapters suck (sorry about that btw) but thank you so much for it!! 💕💕

Hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter along with the others!

Let me know how I can improve on them to make them better for you guys!!

Don't forget to share and vote if you liked it! (Ofc you don't have to, it's up to you)

Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! 💕😊

                                      ~ Hailey

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