"Fifteen?!? Fifteen?!? Why haven't you reached out, asked for help?"

"I handled it. And my team helped. I wasn't completely alone."

"And where are they now?"

"Busy," he said firmly. "And I'm sorry, but I won't tell you where they are."

"Jesus, Cap, I'm not phishing for their whereabouts, I'm trying to help you."

"I know. But I still won't tell you where they are."

"Fine." She let it go. It's not like Romanoff wouldn't tell her anyway. "What are you going to do about Hydra?"

"Same as always, I suppose. Shut them down and bring them in."

Yes, because it was that easy. She refrained from rolling her eyes. "One is my MI6 contacts mentioned a nightclub nearby that he thinks Hydra is using as a front."

His brow furrowed. "A nightclub?"

"Yeah it's a place where you-"

"I know what a nightclub is," he muttered. "I just didn't think that sounded like something Hydra would do."

"Probably why they're using it as a front. Gotta expect the unexpected, Cap."

"Hmmm." He took a sip of his beer. "So, what's the plan, Lieutenant?"

"I thought I'd prowl around tonight and see if there's any merit in it. Might find out why they're so anxious to grab you."

"They've got about 80 years worth of bitterness brewing, they probably don't need that much incentive," he sighed. "When do we leave?"

"Uh, I'm going to change and leave after I find proper clothing."

"You don't want me to come with you?" He blinked. "Why'd you bring it up, then?"

"I don't know, conversation?" Although really, she hadn't expected him to want to tag along, the man had just told her he didn't even go to restaurants anymore for fear of being recognized.

He was frowning now, and it made her feel like she'd kicked a puppy. "Don't you want backup?"

"I can take care of myself, Rogers."

"I know that. But I can't just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while you go out there alone. They're hunting me. I should help you."

She pressed her lips together. He had a point, though getting him in the club would be a challenge. Long hair and beard aside, he was still one of the most famous men on the planet.

And it wasn't like he was tiny and able to easily blend in.

Although. His height and beard did give her an idea...

"I'll go get supplies and be back," she decided. "Feel free to finish the food. But if you're napping when I get back, Cap, I'm not waiting around for you to wake."

"Deal," he grinned as she walked to the door. His chuckle followed her out the door and into the hall.

Maria closed her eyes, resisting the urge to go back in the room and hear that laugh again. Not that she found it adorable or anything.

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