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She would have been able to focus on their dying conversation if her mind wasn't already preoccupied with a certain blonde haired wrestler already, and Seth expressed his annoyance. "What's bugging you, Becks?"

Becky turned her face towards him. "What'ya mean?" she shook her head while displaying a face full of confusion while they walked through the hallways of the busy arena. "Nuthin's buggin' me expect ta fact that I'm main eventing." she expressed her nervousness for the main event.

And it was not because of whom she was up against, she could care less about competing against Josephine. Becky knew she was better than the blonde could ever hope to be.

"I bet Josephine is nervous about her first main event." He pointed out carelessly, not noticing the way that Becky's eye twitched with just a mention of her. "No one has been able to reach her all week." Seth expressed his worry for the young inspiring architect. He knew exactly what she was feeling.

Becky scoffed at the mention of her name before replying bitterly, "probably still recovering after the beatin' I gave her last week." the Irish woman commented with amusement written all over her hardened features.

The red-head could remember the beautiful display of revenge that she served Josephine within the ring. She could remember jumping through the middle rope to collide against an unaware Mad Hatter and how delicious her facial expression was when she had picked up the win for their team. "Poor thing was almost in tears." Becky smirked over at Seth Rollins, who looked on with an unimpressed look on his face.

She was quite satisfied with how that match had wrapped up, but she did not forget the earful she had been given by Vince McMahon afterwards. 'you pull something like that again, Rebecca and you can kiss your title goodbye.' he threatened her and she had almost flinched at his words. almost.

  "I never bid you the type of person that would hold onto so much hatred for another person just trying to make it within the business." Seth looked down upon the orange haired woman with furrowed brows. "You were once her or have you forgotten?"

This made Becky's cocky smile vanish within seconds, and her lips were pulled into an emotionless line. Her facial expressions were rock solid and Seth could no longer read what was really going on within her mind. "I've changed." she admitted, turning to look into Seth's judging stare. "Titles make monsters of us all, firepants or are you forgetting when you sold out to Stephanie McMahon?"

Seth's gaze hardened with the mere mention of what he had been trying to forget about his whole career. It was staged of course but there was still the gnawing at his heart that he did it to further his own career down the path to success, leaving Dean and Roman behind. "That's different and you know it. We all agreed to the terms as a team, but you did it without consent. You did it for another motive and god only knows what that motive is."

"My motive has always been the people." Rebecca didn't sugar coat her words into a lie but they weren't the whole truth. She wanted to make sure that the universe watching would be on the edge of their seats whenever she performed, and once again, her ideas delivered but watching Josephine suffer was a side benefit.

"Your motive is looking a lot like revenge." Seth let his tone of voice go down a few notches so the people around them wouldn't hear. "Why are you so interested in this girl, anyway?"

Becky turned her head to look into his curious brown eyes, "Because she hurt me." she simply put it which made Seth pause with his next words.

"And hurting her is going to solve your own problems? It's not." Becky decided that she had heard enough of his words, because this conversation was not going the way she wanted it to go. She wanted to be right, and if she wasn't right, Becky threw a fit. She tried to walk away but Seth shook his head and hung onto her shoulder as she tried to leave. "You're digging your own grave, Becks."

CHASING CHAOS | BECKY LYNCHHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin