Who is this person? Oh it's Gz

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*You decide to wake them up.*  "*screams* who the hell are you?!" ??? Screams. "Wait calm down I don't mean any harm." You said. "Why should I trust you?" ??? Questions. "You do have a point." You replied. "I'm leaving." ??? Said. "Wait!" You yelled. "What?"??? Said. "What's your name?" You questioned. "Gz. Now let's go get you to Tori." Gz replies. "Who's Tori?" You asked. "The Caretaker of the ruins and you will probably meet my siblings and Ganz." Gz explains. "Oh." You reply.  "Come on." Gz said. "G-Gz w-who i-is t-that?" ??? Questions.

(I wonder who is that stuttering person. I know one of Gz's siblings. Is it Lizzie, Ray, Fang, Zeke, or Eric? You can guess you will meet them all one by one soon.)

Gztale (Gz Sans x Gz reader)Where stories live. Discover now