Chapter One

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"Drogo, stop! I have to get ready for class!"

Jennifer laughed as her lover pulled her back down into his arms and kissed her passionately. She gave in to him completely, running her tongue across his fangs as his ardor took them both to the point of no return. He pierced the wound more deeply and they both moaned in ecstasy as the intoxicating feeling of his vampire bite washed over them together. She would never tire of the taste of her blood mingled with his. She may only be a human but his blood was addictive to her. Not only did it heal the wounds that his bites made on her skin, but it soothed her soul as well. She looked into his amber colored eyes and smiled happily. There was no better place than in his arms.

Drogo smirked seductively and held her close as he kissed her breathlessly. She curled up into his arms and caressed his cold, pale skin. Classes could wait. She would have to hurry to get there on time, but even if she was late it was worth it.

"I love you, mein Liebling," she whispered in his ear. She felt him smile against her cheek and beamed with happiness. It seemed so long ago that he was simply a name, another student at the university they both attended. Now he was everything to her, and she couldn't imagine how she had lived so long without him. His vampiric nature didn't bother her at all, in fact she felt more safe in his arms than anywhere in the world. She knew he would never hurt her, never leave her. It had taken so long for him to allow her into his life, to share his secret, and finally to profess his love for her. But it was worth every minute.

"I love you, too." His words made her heart sing.

He brushed back the tousled purple curls that had fallen in her eyes and looked at her lovingly. Then, his expression turned serious as he looked at the clock. "You're going to be late. You need to hurry."

She pouted in jest and stood, letting the sheets slide off of her slowly. She knew she was playing with fire, but there was no reason not to keep him wanting her.

"You tease," he laughed as he swatted her butt. "Go get ready. I'll drive you."

"No, I'll walk. I want to see the changing leaves." She was in awe of the changing seasons in Mystery Spell, as she had come from Florida to attend university here. She smiled at him and hurried to the bathroom to get ready. She came out quickly, wearing her uniform and the rose barrette that was her signature accessory. He stood and twirled her around as she giggled. One last kiss and she was off, hurrying out of the Bartholy Manor as she waved goodbye.

She walked slowly down the sidewalk and marveled at the beauty surrounding her. She sighed contentedly and thought of Drogo and their night together. Nothing could change this day from being the best yet. Her mind barely registered the squealing tires and her scream was cut short as the car slammed into her, throwing her into the windshield and onto the ground. Then her world went black as her blood poured red onto the street.

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