douăzeci și șapte

Start from the beginning

Beomgyu and Soobin started to go from the left side, while Taehyun and Yeonjun were going to the right side. Kai was saying something in their ears, but they didn't pay attention since the first team was in front of a door.

"Beomgyu, behind the door are two people, but it seems like they are standing behind it, so if you kick down the door you would knock them out." Kai said into the ear piece.

Meanwhile Team 2 was already in the building. The hallways were dark and silent; it nearly had a creepy feeling to it.

"Where are we heading to Kai? Here is no light at all." Yeonjun said.

"You should head to the clinical rooms, there are people inside but it's pretty blurred and the points are moving like crazy." Kai answered them.

The boys stopped walking when they suddenly faced a wall.

"Kai I don't like this, there is a wall in front of us, but we can't see another way?" Taehyun asked.

His heart was racing like crazy; he never was a fan of small rooms.

"What? But in my plan isn't a wall drawn in? That is impossible?" The youngest panicked.

He watched the first team and saw that they were already in the building.

"Soobin do you see a door on your left side?" The boy stuttered.

"No? Why are you asking? We killed these idiots behind the door but it seemed like they knew we were coming." The leader answered.

"You need to immediately destroy your ear pieces! This brat of boy seeped into my system. I'm sorry!" Kai yelled.

All of the boys pulled their earpieces out and stepped on it. The teammates looked at each other and sighed.

"We will find a way to come to their heart." Soobin said.

Beomgyu nodded and both of them started to walk again. The black haired males held their arms tightly in their fingers and all of their senses were sharp.

Hearing a moving from the right Soobin shot the person down.

Beomgyu quickly reached out to the male lying on the floor and hid the body behind furniture. The unknown face had its eyes open and Beomgyu closed them lying him down.

"I will walk to the right and you straight okay?" They both nodded and parted their ways.

Kai meanwhile tried to find a way to rescue his system. He saw how the other hacker tried to ruin all of his data but his fingers also attacked the other person.

"Come out you motherfucker if you want to mess with me!" Kai said through gritted teeth.

The male didn't notice that a person was walking towards him. In the last second he heard the crackle of dead leaved and looked up.

Letting fall down his device he stood up.

"Who did we get here? The little hacker of the ridiculous group?" The male was smaller than Kai but the youngster still was afraid.

Before Kai could respond the person swung his fist. Kai ducked and kicked the male into his balls. Reaching back to punching the smaller male Kai smacked his fist into his face.

But the other one dodged and hit Kai with the elbow.

Kai fell to the ground on his back. The brown haired male in front of him nearly landed another hit but the hacker smacked the back of his gun against the head of the attacker.

Blood was coming out of the wound but he still fought back. Stumbling against Kai, the younger one pushed the male in front of him. Landing his fist into the stomach of Kai, he started to groan.

Holding his stomach he kicked the already weak male into the chest. Falling down to his knees Kai smacked his gun again against the bleeding wound.

The attacker groaned and spit out blood.

"You're stronger than I thought."

Kai grabbed the head of the male in front of him and pushed his knee against the chin of the bleeding boy. The person in front of him fainted and let out a grunt, when the knee hit his face.

The youngster felt oddly satisfied but fastly shot at the attacker.

"Using the sleeping bullets would be enough to keep him out of the game." Kai mumbled.

His head was hurting and he put his gun back into his belt. Grabbing his laptop he saw that system completely shut down.

His fists balled and he stormed into direction of the mansion.

In the meantime Yeonjun and Taehyun tried to get out of the hallway, but the door where they got in was suddenly closed.

"This isn't possible! There needs to be a door!" Taehyun touched the wall in front of him.

Yeonjun was silent all the time and tried to remember what Yuna once told him when they were talking after her attack.

"The mansion is full of secret ways, the doors look like walls but if you press them in the right corner they will open." He reminded the talk with her, but it was blurry.

Walking next to younger one he touched the right edge of the wall but it wasn't moving.

"Why did you do that?"

"Yuna once told me the doors open if you touch the right corner, but it doesn't move." The oldest said.

Taehyun slowly started to get angry and within a second he pulled out his gun and shot at the corner and surprisingly the wall started to open.

"Of course you need to shoot them, it's a Kim house." Yeonjun face palmed.

By now Soobin reached a part of the mansion he never had seen. The walls were full of paintings and it made him shiver that there was no noise at all. The hallway was dark and he silently walked closer to the room with the black door.

"Where am I?" He whispered.

There was suddenly a light chuckle behind him and before he could think he got shot into his thigh. Falling down to his knees he held the wound. Blood was flooding out of it.

Looking up he saw Jaemin standing there with a big smirk.

"Oh is the big boy down?" The male in front of Soobin quipped.

But before anyone could react the enemy got shot. Blood was coming out of the mouth of Jaemin and he held his hand on his chest. It was bloody and the black haired male fell forward.

"Thank you for saving me." TXT's leader said.

"That's at least one thing I could do for you."

We're heading towards the end :O Who's the mysterious saviour?

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