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Yuna POV

I felt a slight pain in my right wrist and when I opened my eyes I lay on a metallic desk and I saw someone bending over my arm. Without thinking I tried to move but I was fixed.

I got horrific back flashes and searched for something familiar.

The ceiling was white and I only could see the blinding light which was focusing on my arm. When I opened my mouth I couldn't form a letter. My tongue was numb and I couldn't make a loud.

I whimpered when I felt something sharp on my wrist but nobody turned around. The male was focused on my wrist and I think I saw Taehyun being the doctor.

Deeply breathing in I tried to bear with the pain. My head fell down and tears left my eyes while Taehyun was doing something on my wrist.

Then I realised what they were doing. They were removing my chip. This was my only chance to get located my millennium.

Suddenly the pain lessened and when I looked up I saw that Yeonjun was spraying something in the air. I breathed in suddenly couldn't think straight. My mind went blank and Yeonjun above me got blurry.

"Why?" I could manage to ask.

I heard Yeonjun only sighing when I stopped hearing. Everything was turning and for the next minutes I totally lost my feeling for the time but also for the room.

"Yuna are you hearing me?" I heard someone whispering.

I couldn't answer and tried to nod my head but I wasn't sure if my body reacted to my saying.

"I will give you something against your pain now, it will burn a bit but you will fastly feel good. After that we will have a talk." Soobin whispered.

A shiver ran down my spine when his lips touched my earlobe.

I felt a quick pain in my right arm when the burning sensation started to reach my nerves. I twitched under the burning and after some time it felt cooler in my veins and when I opened my eyes the world wasn't spinning anymore.

When I tried to sit up I felt a pair of arms around my waist. Soobin lifted me up and in a reflex I slung my hands around his neck. His steady breath was calming me and I didn't look up when he stood still. I further looked down on my body that still was in the black clothing from earlier.

"Would you please look up Yuna?" He said in a calm voice.

I shook my head and then I heard him sighing.

Soobin suddenly let go of my body and before I knew what I was doing I slung my legs around his waist. My eyes were shut down since I prepared for a down fall.

"Good reflexes little girl." I heard him giggling.

My face was facing behind him now and I hung on him like a little kid. When I looked down I saw a greyish vinyl lying on the floor and a white carpet.

"But please get off me; I can't scold with you when you look like a child." He said.

His hands were supporting my weight as he slid them around my thighs.

I didn't want to face the truth and slung my limbs even stronger around him.

The truth of killing two people.

The truth of not returning home soon.

The truth of betraying TXT.

"Yuna, you need to face the consequences of your doings. I told you that you shouldn't betray us." Soobin's cold voice was back.

"But I don't want to." I whispered into his shoulder.

My voice was muffled and I wasn't sure if he heard it. I deeply breathed in his cologne and tried not to cry. This was too much for me.

My life was okay a few days ago and now I'm completely losing myself in a game I somehow started.

"Everything will be fine Yuna but you need to cooperate with us." He said.

My muscles slowly started to get heavy and Soobin was soon holding me fully with his hands. His cologne smelled fresh and reminded me of old days with my mother.

I hope she was doing fine.

"Yuna, let's sit down and talk about everything?" He asked.

I nodded and I felt how he held me with one arm, while the other one was removing my arms of his neck. He sat me on something soft and I let me fall down on it.

"Is this my bed?" I asked him out of the blue.

"Actually it's mine since I wanted to talk with you, but you didn't seem in the right condition to sit in the office." He sighed.

The ceiling was painted with little stars which were reflecting the light. I closed my eyes and waited for him to say something but I only could hear his breathing.

"What will you do to me now? I broke your rule when I tried to escape." I asked with my eyes closed.

Suddenly I felt his breath on my face and when I reopened my eyes he was staring down on me. His eyes were glowing and he had a serious expression on his face.

My heart slightly stopped when I looked into his eyes.

"You won't get your phone back, nor will I tell you how your mother is doing. I wanted to do it but you ruined it." He responded.

My heart sunk when he said that. I didn't answer him and closed my eyes again.

"Are we that bad that you need to escape in the first second you have the chance to? It's not like we want to do something bad to you." He further added.

I thought what I should say to this. I heard a slight disappointment in his voice and now I felt even worse for betraying them.

"I just want to go home Soobin. I want to be with my mother, helping her to get healthy again. I want to rule the business without someone bothering me." I couldn't stop me from saying this.

My eyes shot up when I felt Soobin above me. His legs were trapping mine between his and his arms were supporting themselves next to my head.

He stared down on me and smirked.

"Yuna, I can help you to get your position back in your company, but you need to accept me next to you. My help isn't for free and my first intention was to take over the whole thing, but when I realized how many things you rule-"

"-you couldn't believe that whole Korea is infiltrated by us?" Now I was smirking.

I felt livelier when I saw how surprised he was. Soobin's face was only a few centimetres away from mine and without thinking I slung my arm around his neck.

"We can rule over everything, be the most powerful duo in Korea or even in East Asia?" I said.

Will I really share my power?

His eyes widened but soon the smirk came back and he lowered himself even more. My breathing stopped and I only could look into his eyes.

"Let's do this little girl." His voice was raspy.

Soobin's body was only a few centimetres away from mine and my mind stopped working again. I lowkey wished that he would go down even more but my other part was still not over Jaehyun.

The moment was destroyed by someone knocking on the door. Soobin fastly stood up and opened the door. I also sat straight when I saw Beomgyu standing in the door frame.

I need to apologize to him.

"We need you two in the office; there was a letter for every family and gang out there. The Kim family has a new official head now." No emotion in his voice.

He didn't look at me and just turned around after he said his message.

"Let's go little girl." Soobin winked and took my hand.

Hey I'm back! Your girl finally found some time to update her book again. I'm still sorry tho for leaving you for such a long time :(


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