Chapter 1: Another Day, Another Step Closer

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Reader's POV

Ring! Ring! The alarm clock went off like a nuclear bomb, filling my room with endless noise. Crawling out of my bed, I stretched, letting out a long and loud yawn. Slowly taking off my apron, I pulled 75 cents out of its pocket. Great. Another rough night. How the heck was I ever supposed to afford that place by the bay if I only get 75 cents a day?! Rolling my eyes, I brushed my (H/C) hair and put it in a ponytail.(or leave it down if its short). But then, I spotted something my drawer. The old picture my dad gave me when I was six. He died years ago, joining the military when I was ten. But just because he was gone, didn't mean the dream was. Even though Momma discouraged the idea of me running a casino, I still worked hard at it, promising my dad that I would build that casino right next to the bayou. But sometimes it was hard since, I still had to pay rent and everything, working 24/7 just so I could save half of all my earnings. The other half goes toward paying bills. But moving on from the sad stuff, I opened my wardrobe. Alright? What am I wearing today? I scanned my wardrobe, finding a (F/C) shirt dress and slipping on a pair of flats. Hopefully today will be better. I mean who knows, maybe Mr. Wheezy will be nice to me today. Every day is a new chance to make things better. So that's what I'll do.
I grabbed my hat and busted through the door, trying to catch the trolley before it left. Jazz filled the streets while I headed down to Jimmy's. Trombonists and clarinet players danced across the street, playing to the beat of the drum. Everything was as happy as it could be in a city full of life like New Orleans. I rushed to the restaurant, evading the band and seeing the door already open. Crap! I'm late. Once I walked in, I got straight to work, powdering beignets, and grabbing the orders sitting on the chef's window sill. I walked across the bar, serving all the customers their orders and delivering beignets to a hefty man in a military suit. Turning around, he saluted me and smiled, me replying to him with the same. But then, a certain someone who smelled of cigars cleared his throat behind me. Turning towards him, I smiled as he filled my hands with plates and cups, giving me an annoyed look as he did so. Today's going to be another long day, I guess.

Unknown POV

I was sitting at my table, helping a man who said he wanted to win over the girls a stylish set of hair. Naturally, I took the offer, sweet talking him into thinking he'll be the hottest man around. But of course, that was all just a game. My game. All I wanted in exchange was a signature. A signature on a contract he couldn't understand. A soul contract. Watching him sign it, I pulled a card from my long purple sleeve and blew on it, sending its magic right into the man's face. Almost instantly, a head of auburn locks replaced his baldness, sending him on his way to "woo" the ladies. He threw me a quarter as a tip, racing straight towards a woman standing outside a bar. I watched from behind a corner, watching him gain confidence until hair started to grow all over his body, making him look like a sasquatch. The girl screamed in horror as the man realized what he'd become. A monster. All for the price of his soul and a quarter. My shadow and I chuckled with content as the man raced away hiding himself from the world. But then, came New Orlean's richest citizen. Chef Saltbaker. Stopping his large cream-colored car, he picked up a newspaper from the local newsboy and gave him a thick wad of hundred-dollar bills fresh for spending. My shadow growled, stealing the quarter from my pocket as we both thought the same thing. More money. But just as we were about to head back to the emporium, a newspaper landed at my feet, announcing that Prince Cuphead of Inkwell Isle and his brother were coming to visit for Mardi Gras. Yes...That will work...

Don't Deal With the Shadowman: Cuphead x Reader x The Princess and the FrogWhere stories live. Discover now