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A/n: Video is added for aesthetic. I do not own The Princess & the Frog, Cuphead or either of their characters or concepts. All I own is this story. Anyways, enjoy the story!

The Evening Star is shining bright
So make a wish and hold on tight
There's magic in the air tonight
And anything can happen...

It all started on a quiet starry night. (Y/N)'s mother, (M/N) was telling her and Chalice a story while she designed a sash for Chalice's princess gown. Chalice smiled excitedly as (Y/N) paid close attention to her mother, watching her turn the pages slowly. Her (H/C) pigtail jiggled in the air as her tiara sat in between both of them. Dolls were stacked around them as (M/N) continued telling her story. 

"Just at that moment, the ugly little frog looked up with his sad round eyes and pleaded, 'Oh please dear princess, only a kiss from you could break this terrible spell that's been cast on me by a wicked witch!'" (M/N) read. 

"Oh! Here come's my favorite part!" Chalice whispered in (Y/N)'s ear. 

"And the gorgeous princess was so moved by his plea, that she stooped down, picked up the slippery creature," (M/N) read. "Leaned forward..." 

(Y/N) cringed as she knew what was coming next, watching Chalice lean toward (Y/N)'s mother as she continued saying, "Raised him to her lips, and kissed that little frog!"

"Aww," Chalice cooed. 

"Eugh," (Y/N) said, turning her nose up. 

"Then," (M/N) continued. "The frog turned into a handsome prince! They were married and they lived happily ever after. The end." 

"Yay," Chalice cheered. "Read it again! Read it again!" 

"Sorry, Chalice," (M/N) said, tying the sash around her waist. "It's for us to head home. Say goodbye, (Y/N)."

"There is absolutely no way I would never ever ever I mean never! Kiss a frog! Yuck!" (Y/N) said.

"Is that so?" Chalice smirked, grabbing her kitten.

Chalice stuffed her kitten in a frog sweater and said "Well here's your prince charming, (Y/N)! Come on! Kiss him!"

"NO!" (Y/N) said.

"Kiss him!" Chalice begged.

"No! I won't! I won't! I won't," (Y/N) laughed.

"I would do it! I'd kiss a frog! I'd kiss a hundred of 'em if I would marry and become a princess," Chalice said.

(Y/N) watched as she kissed her kitten twice before it shot up and clinged itself to the ceiling, making (Y/N) and Chalice fall on the floor, laughing their heads off.

"Evenin', (M/N)!" Chef Saltbaker said, walking in. 

"Daddy! Daddy! Look at my new dress! Ain't it pretty?!" Chalice asked. 

"Haha! Look at you," he said, picking up Chalice. "Why I'd expect nothing less from the finest seamstress in New Orleans." 

Chalice spotted the dress the princess was wearing in the book saying "Ooh! I want that one!"
"Ah! Now sugar plum-" Chef Saltbaker said. 

"I want that dress. Please! Please! Please! Please!" Chalice said, pulling her dad's neckerchief.
"(M/N), do you think you could whip something up like that?" Chef Saltbaker asked. 

"Anything for my best customer," (M/N) said. 

"Yay!" Chalice cheered. 

"Now come along, (Y/N). It's time for us to be heading home," she said, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand.
The two left Chalice's house, getting on a trolley heading downtown where her dad waited for them after a long day of work.

Time skip ~

"Alright. Which hand do you think the quarter's in?" (F/N) asked. 

(Y/N) looked at both of her father's fists long and hard, examining the rough skin and cuts that formed on them. But then, she saw a glare, realizing the quarter was in his right hand.

"The right one," (Y/N) said. 

"Yeah are you sure?" he asked. 

"Yep," (Y/N) replied. "Positive."

"You sure?" he repeated. 

"Yep," (Y/N) replied. "I know it." 

With that, (F/N) opened his right fist really slowly, only to reveal a shiny corner in his right hand. Dang! This was his fifth time in a row losing to (Y/N), but he knew it was only for fun and games, just to see her smile.

"Nice," (F/N) laughed. "But now it's your turn."

(Y/N) hid the quarter in her right hand, shuffling it in between the two, the way her father taught her when she was four. She watched as her father watched anxiously, trying to figure out which hand the quarter was in. 

"Alright! Take your guess," (Y/N) announced. 

"Hmm," (F/N) bellowed, putting his chin in his hand. 

Silence passed by them as (M/N) gave them each a bowl of gumbo. It was then, (F/N) went for a decision and went for the right hand. But too bad for him, because it was in (Y/N)'s left hand. 

"No," (F/N) said as (Y/N) laughed, stuffing the quarter in her pocket. 

"You know, if you want to get better, you're going to have to watch my hands more," You sassed.

"Well now," (F/N) said. "Honey, you've got a gift." 

"I do?" (Y/N) asked. 

"Oh yes you do," (F/N) said. "And just think in a couple years, you could run your own casino. People would come from miles around just for a chance at winning in your place." 

"Our place," I said. 

(Y/N)'s father laughed as he handed (Y/N) a picture of a casino, "That's right, sweetheart. Our place." 

"(F/N) stop telling our daughter to run a casino. You know it's not ladylike," (M/N) said. 

"Yeah, well," (F/N) said. "It's her choice if she chooses to or not. I just gave her the idea." 

"Don't listen to your daddy okay, sweetheart?" (M/N) said. 

"But what if I want to run a casino?" (Y/N) asked. 

"Sweetie, you don't know what you'll get into if you do," (M/N) said. "Now I won't stop you if you really want to. But I'm just tellin' ya, be careful if you do, okay." 

"Okay," (Y/N) replied. 

"Good," (M/N) said. "Now off to bed sweetheart. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow." 

"Okay," (Y/N) answered. 

(Y/N) raced up to her room, holding the picture against her chest.

She got on her bed, opened her curtains, looked up at the Evening Star and whispered, "Please! Please! Please!" 

(Y/N) stared at the star watching it glimmer with all its might, until she caught of something undeniably disgusting. When she looked down, a frog was standing on her window sill, staring back at her with its large yellow eyes.

"Ribbit," the frog said. 

(Y/N) screamed, hiding in her bathroom until she fell asleep.

13 years later, this was where this story began.

Don't Deal With the Shadowman: Cuphead x Reader x The Princess and the FrogWhere stories live. Discover now