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Chloe had been sitting in the RV all morning, not moving for anyone. She has had been upset every since her dad left. Even when Lori and Dale would come on to check on her, they made no attempt to cheer her up know it would never work.

Though Chloe was confused about what was happening. Her gut told her that something bad was about to happen. Something she couldn't put it into words, she was scared to say the lest.

The sun had gone down an hour or so later. Lori had came in 20 minutes later to get Chloe after calling her for dinner, she sighed seeing Chloe had fallen asleep.

She shook the sleepy girl lightly. "Chloe, sweetie, dinners ready." She shook her lightly, she didn't move. "Sweetie, you have to get up."

Chloe slowly started to move but didn't open her eyes. "I want daddy." She whispered half asleep.

Lori nodded and gently picked the sleepy girl up. "I know baby, but your dad wants you to eat and keep your strength up."

Chloe started fuss, tears swelled in her eyes. "I want my daddy," She cried. "I want my daddy."

Lori sighed and set her dad next to Carl, who smiled and handed Chloe a plate with fish and green beans, Chloe eyes widen and she quickly took the plate and eat everything in one go, she instantly calmed down. Everyone laugh and took note, food always solves problems.

When Chloe was done with her first plate, she hand it to Carl. "Can I more?"

Carl looked to his mom who nodded taking the plate and putting more fish and greens beans. Chloe smiled when the plate was given to her. She eat it all again in one go.

"You must've been hungry?" Dale asked watching the girl hand the plate back to Lori and laying her head on Carl shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Andrea ask as her sister Amy stood.

"I have to pee." Amy replied. "Jeez, you try to be discreet around here--" She said making everyone chuckled as she turned and walked to the RV.

Rustling could be heard behind the tent. "Thought I told y'all to leave me the hell alone, didn't I?" He asked, he was ignored as the rustling against the tent continued. "HEY!" He yelled sitting up.

He looked out the tent window but saw nothing, he crawled over to the tent door. "-What'd I say?"

As he opened the tent door, he was greeted with the growling sound of a walker. "Oh-"

Amy opened the door the RV and stepped out. "We're out of toilet paper?"

The walker growled and threw it self at Ed and chewed down on his neck unable to let the man scream as more walkers joined in.

Unknowing to the a walker came out and took a chuck of meat out Amy's arm, causing a scream to rip from her throat. Andrea look to her sister and her smile fell, as she watch more walkers appear from behind the RV as the walker that bit Amy took another chuck out from the back of her neck. People stood screaming Shane instantly ran to Lori and Carl.

"MOM!" Carl yelled

"CHLOE! CARL!" Lori yelled pulling Chloe and Carl into her arms as they screamed.

"LORI, GET THEM DOWN!" Shane yelled, Lori did as he said and pushed Chloe and Carl to the ground with her on top. Shane aimed his shotgun at the walkers and shot the ones closet the them.

People screamed as they ran from the walkers, some were had no such luck and was taken dwon by the undead.

Carl and Chloe both cried out of fear as the held on to Lori. "I'm right here." Lori told them, holding them tightly. "Shane, what do we do? Shane?"

My Little Dixon [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now