Useful tips for Easy Moving

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Moving can be a daunting task, and it is perhaps the least fun aspect of buying a new home. These tips will help make moving your mundane belongings from your old home to your new home as easy as possible.

 These tips will help make moving your mundane belongings from your old home to your new home as easy as possible

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Have a plan

Moving usually involves keeping track of many details. Buy a notebook and use it to keep track of your estimates, receipts and inventory lists. Also, use your laptop to create a plan and a checklist that will keep you organized throughout the moving process.

Get a plan of your new home

If possible, get a plan for your new home. Use the floor plan to decide where to place your furniture and make sure the larger furniture fits through the door.

Give yourself enough time

The packaging takes much longer than you can imagine. Give yourself at least two or three weeks before moving to start packing.

Many boxes

Moving requires lots and lots of boxes, bubble wrap, permanent markers, and shipping tape. You can buy moving boxes and supplies at the best prices at,, and websites like Also, remember to buy special containers like wardrobe boxes. Or better yet, save money and help the environment by getting your boxes from local stores.

 Or better yet, save money and help the environment by getting your boxes from local stores

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Pack one room at a time

Pack one room at a time and start with things you use less frequently, such as the waffle iron and tennis rackets.

Check all boxes specifically

Clearly label and index all your boxes. When packing boxes, write exactly what is inside each box. Using the plan of your new home, index the rooms such as room 1, room 2, room 3, etc. Mark the exact destination of the room in your new home outside the box. You may consider tying a bright red ribbon around the boxes that must first be unpacked. Also, keep a copy of the contents of each box in your notebook. That way, if a box does not appear in your new home, you will know exactly what is missing.

Pack an essentials box for moving day

Pack a comfort box for moving day with a couple of days of clothes, towels, bedding, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, paper plates and plastic utensils, towels paper, wet wipes, food, water, pets, and child care products.

Letting go

Moving is a good time to get rid of the mess and unused or unwanted items. Make a garage sale, call a donation charity to come pick up your unwanted items and sell some of your items on Craigslist. Craigslist is an easy way to get rid of several valuable items with a fairly simple sales transaction. The benefits of Craigslist include an anonymous publication, sale at your own time and easy setup. Just look for an appropriate price for your items, including images, describe your item well and tell buyers why it is for sale. If you prefer to donate your old clean and used products. 

Before moving, go to your local post office and complete an address change form, or do so online at But also ask your neighbors to verify your email after moving, just in case.

Notify important parties

Alert your bank, telephone, electricity, gas, water, credit card companies, magazines, insurance and employer of your address change.

Alert your bank, telephone, electricity, gas, water, credit card companies, magazines, insurance and employer of your address change

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Defrost freezer

If your refrigerator moves with you, be sure to empty it, clean it, and thaw it at least 24 hours before moving day.

Transport sensitive items and equipment yourself

Take all your valuable items with you, such as jewelry, prescriptions, birth certificates, credit cards, family photos, financial records, computer hard drives, and backup copies.

Set up your kitchen first

The best way to unpack all your belongings in your new home is to have a plan. It will be impossible to unpack the entire first day, so choose the most important rooms first. If possible, unpack your kitchen complete the first night. Because the kitchen is the centerpiece of any home, it helps make this room work first. When you're done, there will be no boxes on the countertops and you won't feel crazy every time you enter this room. In addition, you will feel much better being able to get up in the morning and prepare breakfast and coffee. Next, it makes sense to configure the rooms and bathrooms.

Keep your pets safe

Moving is stressful not only for us humans but also for our pets. Take care of the needs of your furry, feathered and feathered friends during the movement. Keep your pet food, toys, and litter boxes in the usual places for as long as possible before moving. Create new identification tags and call the microchip company to update your new contact information. Prepare for the move by buying a sturdy and comfortable luggage rack for your pet. Make sure that the luggage rack is sufficiently ventilated and that there is enough space to get up, turn and lie down. During the transfer, keep pets in a quiet room, away from the transfer. Once your pet has been taken to your new home, place it in a quiet room with all your favorite toys, beds and food. Once all furniture is installed, gradually present Fluffy or Fido to your new home.

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