Day Eight: Sherlock

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Prompt: Unusual Behavior

Y/n sat on the floor of 221B Baker Street, watching the snow fall through the window. It was quiet. The roads were empty of cars, no one daring to risk travel through the heavy snow.

The hard, cool floor was comforting to her; it was sturdy in a world where nothing was ever sure. The blanket wrapped around her shoulders was soft and provided the warmth the floor lacked. She was comfortable. Only a few things missing that would make the day perfect.

She heard the door open and close quickly downstairs. The stomping of boots up the stairs told her Sherlock was home.

The door opened. Sherlock stood in the doorway, watching his wife. She hadn't turned to him when he arrived, probably because she was so comfortable. She looked calm, serene.

"Hello, love," she called, her eyes still trained on the window.

"Why are you on the floor?"

Y/n turned slightly to see her husband smirking down at her. "Join me?" she suggested, extending her arm to show there was plenty of room.

"In a minute." He turned and left the room.

Y/n turned her attention back to the window, sighing contentedly as she snuggled further into the blanket.

Sherlock returned a few minutes later, carrying a tray. He placed the tray on the floor before sitting down beside Y/n. She opened her arms as he wrapped an arm around her. He draped the blanket over his shoulder.

"Welcome home," she placed a kiss on his cheek before resting her head against him.

He handed her a mug of hot chocolate, taking the other for himself. He turned his attention to the window.

The couple sat in silence, watching the snow fall and periodically taking sips of their drinks. The sun started setting, darkening the world outside their window.

All of a sudden, flashing lights could be seen; blue and red reflecting off the snowflakes. Y/n groaned quietly, knowing what the lights meant.

Sherlock looked down at her. For the first time in his life, he didn't want to work on a case. He was comfortable in the small flat. Y/n had worked hard on decorating it, and the result was a warm space that Sherlock was reluctant to leave.

They heard the quick stomps of Inspector Lestrade, but Sherlock had yet to jump up and fetch his coat like he usually did.

Y/n sat up straight, wondering if he hadn't moved because he didn't want to disturb her, but Sherlock remained seated.

The door opened without a knock.

Lestrade was confused at the scene before him. Sherlock was on the floor, not standing ready to go. The Holmes were staring at each other as if having a silent conversation. "Did I walk in on something?"

"No," Y/n said as Sherlock claimed the opposite. "Yes?"

"Yes." Sherlock looked at Lestrade. "We're busy. Tell me what you need and get out."

Lestrade glanced at Y/n, raising his eyebrows. She returned the look with a shrug. "There's a case," Lestrade said slowly.

"That's great," Sherlock spoke without enthusiasm. "What do you need?"

"I need your help."

"Well, unfortunately, I'm busy. You'll have to solve this one yourself." Sherlock stood, walking to Lestrade. "I have full confidence in you," Sherlock turned the inspector around and gave him a shove out the door, "well, not full confidence, but I can't help. I am taking a holiday break to spend time with my wife." He started to shut the door, calling a final, "Goodbye," before the door was closed and locked.

He quickly rushed back to Y/n, resuming their cuddling position. She rested her head on his shoulder, looking up at him. "As much as I love spending time with you, that was quite out of character."

"The case wasn't important. We just wrapped up a case he had been working on for weeks. This was brand new. Most likely he hadn't even been to the crime scene yet. He just wanted me to tag along so it would be finished quickly."

Y/n giggled, nestling into his embrace. "And I thought it was because you wanted to spend more time with me."

"That too." He pressed a kiss into her hair. "Happy holidays."

"Happy holidays."

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