Act 3

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Then Xyler woke up to the sound of blaring alarms. He swiped his alarm clock off his drawer, but realised that his alarm didn't sound like that. The alarms were coming from outside. He heard screams of panic from the other residents of his unit.

"Remain calm. This is an evacuation. This is not a drill. Report to your nearest police station. Don't use vehicles." This message repeated over the alarms. He had a feeling this was still a dream so he performed a reality check. He stared at the time on his alarm clock.


He looked to the side and turned to the alarm clock again.


This was really weird. He put on his clothes and looked out the window. Families were hurrying on foot with bags and luggage. He guessed he had to do the same. He uploaded his unfinished game to the cloud and then put clothes, food and special items in a knapsack. As Xyler headed out the door, he was thrown into his lucid dream again.

He was inside the castle now, having crossed the drawbridge. The princess walked ahead of him. The main hallway was tall and sculpted with minute details. It was pristine and stretched down the length of a cricket ground. Paintings of past rulers, kings and queens hung evenly on the sides with doorways in between. At the end of the long hallway was the throne, which was empty.

Walking towards them were people shaped like punctuations. The taller one, shaped like a question mark and hunched over wore a tunic embroidered with imperial diamonds. He had a caricature face with a thin mustache. His companion was shaped like a full stop, round and short, only reaching the question mark figure's hips. The question mark figure had two glasses of wine with him. He smiled slyly as he toddled towards us.

"Princess," he said. "Who accompanies thou?" The princess looked at Xyler nervously with her wonderful eyes. The princess then leaned forward and screamed in his ear.

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