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Ahsoka leaned over the edge of the cliff, scanning the Felucian foliage below with her binocs. Luminara knelt down beside her.

"What is it?"

She removed the metal from her face. "There are heat signatures down there, but a wall's blocking the scanner. I can't tell if they're sentient or droid or something else."

"It's worth a look."

Ahsoka collapsed the binocs and stuffed them back in her utility belt. "Let's go."

She dropped down into the trees, landing on a thick, prickly layer of moss and grass. Luminara swung down onto a stump. Ahsoka stood, brushed herself off and was about to take a step--

"Don't move!" Luminara hissed. "That's shockweed! If you touch it, you'll be paralyzed!"

She froze. "Paralyzed? For how long?"

"It's temporary, but that doesn't mean it's harmless," Luminara pulled her backpack off and produced a rope. "Catch," she said, tossing one end of it to the younger Master. Ahsoka caught. "Tie it around your waist. I'm afraid the only way to get you out is to drag you. We can't draw attention by jumping."

She nodded and tied the rope tightly above her belt. Taking a breath, she crouched down and touched the furry white blades.

Instantly, her body seized up and stabbing pains ran through her. She toppled over. Luminara winced and pulled her off the patch of grass. She untied the rope from her friend's waist and placed a hand on her knees and a hand on her shoulder.

Sending Force energy through her to the Togruta, she slowly eased her body out of the shockweed's paralyzing grip. Ahsoka released a breath and sat up. "Let's maybe not do that on the way out."

"Agreed," she said, putting the rope back in her bag. She helped Ahsoka to her feet, and they ran low to the stone structure before them.

Luminara tried the door. Nothing. She reached in her robes, pulled out her 'saber and slashed the controls to reveal a pitch-black staircase. Ahsoka ignited her own to provide some light.

The two made their way down the stone steps. Ahsoka shone her lightsaber on the walls, revealing patterns and carvings. The further down they got, the deeper and older the carvings became. At the top, there were hastily scratched images and phrases depicting an escape from darkness; further down, images of lights dancing between grateful creatures could be seen.

"Look," she murmured to the Mirialan. "These carvings seem to be depicting the history of whatever creatures lived here."

"Yes. I hope whomever or whatever we find will be able to describe these stories in greater detail." Ahsoka nodded.

There seemed no end to that staircase. On and on they continued down, down, down into the dark. Ahsoka could feel her ears stopping up from the pressure, and Luminara seemed uncomfortable too. 

Rather suddenly, the two came upon a large door. This was the end to the steps. 

Ahsoka pushed and pulled at the large clay slab, but it didn't budge. She stepped back and probed through the Force for a weak spot, then thrust her 'saber into the door in frustration and cut a circle instead. She carefully removed the slim cylinder, and the two climbed through the opening, emerging into a small chamber that appeared to be empty. If there was anyone here, they were hiding themselves well.

"I don't sense any presences here," Ahsoka said.

"These walls are thick. Perhaps they are in a different room, and there is too much of a barrier," Luminara replied, slowly making her way along the wall, observing the carvings there. Ahsoka took in her surroundings more closely. 

There was no visible ceiling; the room appeared to go if not all the way to the surface then at least close to it. "How long had we been descending?" She muttered to herself. There were bunks in the room that seemed to go all the way to the top. Ahsoka nudged one. They were built well and didn't teeter at the shove. She shone her lightsaber at their feet; they were built into the floor. The bunks were the only things in that room besides two doors built into the walls.

She looked to Luminara, who was observing the bunks as well. "Why have sleeping quarters in the first room one enters? These were obviously made to house several life-forms. Having them in the first room seems awfully easy to ambush."

"We don't know who these life-forms are," Ahsoka reminded her. "They could be Felucian natives, not soldiers."

"I suppose so," Luminara said, making her way to left and more prominent door. "I sense a disturbance in this room. Be ready." She pulled the door off its hinges with the Force, probably expecting a Sith to leap out at her, but nothing emerged. She cautiously took a step in. Ahsoka followed.

At first glance, there was nothing in that room. It was long, skinny and in disrepair. Upon closer examination, a small door could be seen at the other end. Luminara pried that one open too. She gasped once she got a look inside. Ahsoka leaned around her to see.

It was a small space, probably originally a storage closet.

But huddled on the floor was a group of children.

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