Chapter 1

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Celina's POV

"Celina, please go to the principal's office"
The class was filled with whispers, probably wondering what I did this time. Why can't they mind their own business? 
"Didn't you hear the lady? Go to the principal's office!" Miss Anderson yelled at me, I swear she doesn't have an inside voice.
"Alright, no need to shout" I mumble. She just huffs in response. I shove my stuff into my bag, it'll probably be a long chat. As I leave I hear the whispers grow louder.
'Yup, definitely talking about me.' I think to myself.

I wander through the halls trying to get to the principal's office as slowly as I can, I'm not really in the mood to talk to that's sneaky, greedy, money-seeking principal. Oh well, it's not like I have a choice as I approach the office I start to feel a sort of dread. I'm not one of the principals favourite students so it can't be anything good. Before I know it, I'm already there. "Shit."

As I knock at the door I feel my stomach churning. "Come in." I hear the low voice called out. "You wanted to see me, sir?" I ask as I push my crippling fear to the back of my mind though I could still feel it. I look over to the side of the room where Rachel stood with a few obviously fake cuts and bruises. Oh, I get it now! That mythic bitch chose to frame me because she decided to hate me for no reason, and she knew her biased father would lick up anything his 'little princess' would say. 

"Care to explain why Rachel is so hurt?"
He asked. God, I hate him so much.
"Because she beat me up, Papa!" She whined, "You should exp-". She sounded like the most typical blonde bully like from stupid teen movies.
"I didn't do anything to you, Rachel." I said as I interrupted her. Damn it, mistake number one.
"See Papa! She's so guilty that she's interrupting me she can't bear the fact that she hit me!" She kept on whining. Why won't they just shut up?
"Yes, I see…" he exclaimed, "You said you were beaten up by her and her gang, correct? Oh and please refrain from calling me father in a school setting" 
"Of course th-that danger t-to society attacked me with her, her disgusting gang!"
"I don't have a gang." I mumble almost inaudibly. Keyword almost.
"What did you say to me skank?!" 
"I said, i don't have a damn gang! And even if i did, who gave you the right to call them disgusting? They're just as human as you, if not more!" I yell. Mistake number two
"Excuse me?!" She screeched
Jesus, i think my ears are bleeding. 
"Settle down girls." The old prick shouted.
This is gonna be a long day.

Time skip to last lesson

We've been here for the whole day, what a waste of my time. Oh well, it's not like i would be doing anything apart from sleeping in class.
"Miss Chernov, where you listening?" The old man asked which brought me out of my daydream. "Uh, yes?"
"I said I'll have to expel you" he sighed, 
"Excuse me but why I didn't do anything! This is too extreme, if I were at blame I should be excluded or suspended at most. You can't do this!" This can't happen, if I'm expelled again my mother will be disappointed for sure and I can't handle seeing that look in her eyes.
"Of course I can, and I will. There's too many rules you've broken recently so I'll be forced to expel you." The principal mumbled as if he was already bored of the conversation.
"But Mr Jones, most of those were just reports with no proof behind them" I knew it was useless, he wanted me out of this school and that was that, I couldn't change his mind.
"They were reliable sources" Is he fucking serious?! "Those 'reliable sources' were the biggest snakes in this whole school!" I growled.
Why was I even angry, I should be happy I'm leaving this stupid school. "That's enough, I will contact your mother about this matter. You will be sent to inclusion until you find another school, you have until the end of the month." He stated. 
"Yes sir" I sighed, at least I tried right? 
"Oh, and before you leave, make sure to clean out your locker and give the key to the reception. I just nodded. 'This with be fun to explain to mum'. Let's get this over with.

As I finish cleaning out my locker I hear someone come closer. As I close my locker, I face the person that was walking towards me. Rachel. " What do you want." I asked, though it did sound more like a statement than a question.
"I wanted to see your pathetic face for the lasted time, " she spat, " m plan worked out perfectly!"
"Good for you. I need to take my keys to reception, get out of my way" I guess I left her speechless cause she just moved out of the way, looks like no one ever stood up to her. When I get to the desk I return my keys and go home. I mentally prepare for my mum's upcoming lecture.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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