Ford is Back PT.6

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At my words, I hear an audible gasp come from Teyla.

"Looks like Ford was right about you." The man says. 

I raise an eyebrow "Oh, and what was that?" 

"That you're always willing to fight."

"Only when I find it necessary. And right now, it seems pretty necessary." 

The goon chuckles at my response and walks onto the mat, I am about to follow when Teyla calls out to me.

"Allison, are you sure this is wise?" 

"Trust me, I'll be fine." I then turn to the Satedan who still looks uneasy still. "Right, Ronon?" 

All he does is a nod in answer to my question. "See." 

"Just be careful."

"No promises."

I walk on to the sparring mat and face my opponent. "Let's do this." 

The moment the words leave my mouth he rushes at me, obviously thinking brute strength will win this fight. As he gets closer I swiftly move to the side and land a solid kick to the back.  When he turns around he is clearly upset and flustered, not expecting me to do anything. Again, seemingly not learning his lesson he rushes at me, but I can see that he's expecting to move to either side again so this time when he gets close I crouch and sweep a foot under his legs causing him to stumble, and for me to land a hit to his ribs.

"I can do this all day." I taunt. 

"Sure, it just seems like you're scared." 

I chuckle. "Or you're just not trained past being strong." 

This time I decide to rush him knowing he won't expect it. He smiles but it quickly fades when I jump up and reach for his head; I grab it and force him to the ground while landing on my feet. Swiftly, he gets up and gears for another attack, but he's slow so I run and punch him in the stomach, and then make a hard uppercut to the jaw. 

"Had enough yet?" 

He growls at the comment and this time he runs at me faster than I thought, he grabs me and pins me.

"Ali!" I hear Ronon call.

"I got this!" 

"You sure about that?"

I smirk which confuses him and I knee him in the stomach, which causes him to loosen his hold on me. Quickly, I flip us over and hit him as hard as I can in the head. He's winded and so am I, but he isn't down yet. He runs at me slower this time allowing me to jump up and grab him by the neck this time and perform a chokehold. 

"Tap out." My opponent refuses.

"I said to tap out." 

He keeps fighting and struggling until Ford comes rushing into the room. 

"Alison let him go." 

"Only if he taps out, this was sparring, he goes until he passes out, or he surrenders. You know that I'm the one who taught you. Which is why he won't win." 

He sighs. "Tap out."

At that, the large man taps the mat, and  I release him from my hold. Ronon rushes to me and helps me off the ground holding me up to talk to Ford.

"What the hell is happening?" I hear our Colonel ask as he approaches. 

"I decided to have a little spar with one of Aiden's groupies." I pause, "The groupie lost." 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt