3.The Pack

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Jacob gave me a pained look when Edward and I got back. I gave him a sympathetic glance and turned to face Alice, whom had just skipped into the room with Jasper tagging along behind her.

"Yes, that sounds just fine." Edward answered Jacob's unspoken question. I swerved around to look at my husband and asked, "What sounds just fine?" Of course I had to ask- it was probably nothing.

"Jacobs pack came across some new scents, vampire scents. He was just asking our permission to sweep the grounds."

"Oh, well do you need help?" I asked. My body was tense, whom did this scent belong to? And what reason did they have to pass through our land? Most importantly, where were they headed?

"Nah, we're good. Are you alright?" Jacob could see the worry in my eyes.

"Where does the scent lead to?" I said.

Something clicked then and Jacob ran out of the huge, glass doors and phased. Edward and I were not far behind.

We followed the trail to mine and Edward's sweet cottage. I could hear something coming up fast behind me, it was Quil and Embry. Of course Jacob would call for backup. Jake phased back and pulled on his denim cut-off shorts.

Edward and I entered the cottage, trailed by Jacob. Curious, nothing had moved. Everything was just as pristine as i'd left it- every single hair in place.

Maybe we were just being overprotective, paranoid- too cautious. No one would dare harm Renesmee whilst she was with Charlie. I was sure of it.

Edward and I headed back and I sat down in the long, elegant sofa. Alice skipped in gracefully and came to sit next to me. She draped her arm over my shoulders carefully, trying to comfort me.

"Bella, there is nothing to worry about. Charlie and Renesmee are fine, I would have seen if anything were to happen to them."

"But what if you can't see them Alice?"

There was a pained expression on her face and she decided to give up, jumping off the sofa. I buried my face in my hand and took a deep breath.

Jacob, Leah and Seth strolled into the livingroom casually and Jacob dumped himself into the leather armchair. Leah and Seth stood behind him. Leah still didn't like us, I didn't know why but all that hatred building up inside her is soon to come out. The stress of losing her love, having to 'work' for 'stinking bloodsuckers' and being worried for the wellfare of Jacob is bound to take its toll. I could imagine her now, bounding into the room and screaming at all the Cullens, just like she had when I was human.

Jacobs pack was a fairly reasonable size now, Jacob the Alpha, Leah the Beta, Seth third in command and Quil and Embry had joined too. Everyone showed no diversion to us as 'vegetarian' vampires, apart from Leah but I didn't know what her problem was, I wanted to help her but how?

I sighed in distress, in some ways, I couldn't wait to move to Alaska, forget all of these individual worries that have been building up on my fragile-looking shoulders.

I longed for the day where everything was harmonious, is that not what I had wanted from the start? World peace?

Jacob looked at Edward and I sighed, I could tell they were having one of those one-way mind reading conversations again and I decided to butt in. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing, Bells" Jacob replied. I glared at him and Edward till Jake finally caved in. "Fine!" Jacob threw his hands up in the air, exasperated. "I was wondering... well, if it might be possible that ummm..."

"Spit it out, Jacob." Acid leaked into my voice.

"I was wondering if, The Pack could relocate... to Alaska, with... you guys?" Uncertainty clouded his voice. Edward responded, "I don't think its a great idea Jacob, I mean you could still visit Renesmee everyday, you are a werewolf, after all."

"I agree with Edward, Jacob. Renesmee's life cant revolve around you 24/7 and what about your pack? Would you force them to move away from their lives for you? Do you expect that from them Jake? What kind of Alpha would you be if you were never there for your pack?" Jacob flinched at the harsh truths of my words.

Jacobs voice was rough, "I guess i hadn't thought about it that way..."


oohhhhh what do ya thinks gunna happen??

comment rate and vote pleasseee xxxx

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