New Member

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Jaded woke up early because he's  excited to go to school. He's so energetic that day and he even do the cooking and preparing breakfast.

Janid was surprised that Jaded is seems so different today.

"Oh, Big Bro? Is that really you?"- What's the deal? I think there's an occasion or something that I don't know.

"Yes I am." - I am looking forward to see Sandra again. My God I'm so excited. I want to see those smile again and her expressions being embarrassed.

"Hey hey Big Bro. I know what's your thinking." - Hehe I know it Big bro, Even you don't tell it.

"Chee.. Just shut up and sit over there." -this kid gonna ruin my day. tssk.

"You're thinking about Big Sis aren't ya?"-Hehe yes Big Bro, Don't deny it.

"She's just a friend okay? It doesn't mean anything . We're just friends okay?"
-It's like that I have a chance to win her heart. Maybe that's just impossible.

"But friends doesn't act something like that Big Bro. Hehe you know it too Big Bro." ~with a grin on her face.

"What?" -This Lil sister is so annoying. Tssk.

"That she has a feelings for you too. You two are suitable for each other. You look like a couple when you two are together." - Yes Big Bro, I'm gonna catch you there. Hehe.

"Bakaaa! Aho no Imouto." - My God. My weaboo syndrome are attacking me again.

"Haha. I know what it means Big Bro. But it doesn't suits you. It's gross Big Bro. Don't speak that language in front of other people. I'm sure they've ended up judging you." -Yeah big bro. haha I got ya there.

Jaded have been distracted because of Janid. She was having fun teasing him.

"Hey stop teasing me stupid lil sis. Come on, Help me to prepare the breakfast." - This girl is really annoying. tssk.

"Okay okay, but don't call me stupid. Big bro you're a jerk. Hmp." - This big bro of mine is a real virgin. Hayst. Too bad for him.

In the middle of preparing breakfast, Suddenly there's a person knocking the door outside.

~tok tok tok (knocking the door)

"Hello Jaded? Have you awake ? Can I come in?"

Jaded respond.

"Yes, Who are you?" -How unusual. A person in this hour. It's early in the morning.

"Jaded you're such a jerk. It's me Sandra. Yeah. You already forgot about me huh?"

"O-oww, Sorry. Hihi, I didn't recognize your voice."

He open the door

"Please come in Sandra and have a breakfast with us." - unexpected. Woahh. My God? Please tell me if she's into me.

"Look who's there. Hehe. Hello Big Sis"- Oh my, seriously?

"U-um hello Janid hihi." - Why suddenly I feel so embarrassed?

"It's unusual Sandra. Why visit so early in a morning?" - Yeah this is it. I know you're gonna confess something to me. hehe. Say I love you Jaded. Please be my boyfriend.

"U-um, As you can see. I want the two of us to go to school together, So I can help you to invite a new member for the club." -Hmm. why feel so nervous?

"A-ahh. Hahaha. I see. Just for the club's invitations huh? hihi." -What am I even thinking. hehe just for the club. I think those thing are just impossible .

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