Chapter 10

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Sky's POV

Anger won't be enough to define what I was feeling when I saw those two monsters trying to molest Ray.

How dare they do that to him!!!??

I gave them a good punch and threw them out of the house. I even broke my deal off that could be a big step in my career. But I don't want to work with people who are less human and more monsters. Moreover how dare they touch Ray?? I don't want to work with people with whom Ray will feel uncomfortable around. 

I know, I have been thinking about that housemaid of mine a lot these days. I just couldn't help myself but to get worried for him. Even though he is gay but there is just something about him which draw me towards him.

Maybe because he has been putting up with my useless demands like no one has ever been able to do it. 

I honestly love it when he knots his brows together in anger when I make my room a total mess and ask him to clean it. He looks so cute while doing it.

Wait..wait..wait...not cute...I mean ... he looks just..umm..normal, yeah that's the word.

So, after kicking those jerks out I went near Ray and asked him if he was okay. I was hesitating to touch him for obvious reasons. One, Keith will kill me if I touch him again without his permission and two, he just got molested and I don't think  he will find me touching him even a tiny bit comfortable.

But as they say, expect the unexpected. So as a result, Ray hugged me and cried his eyes out in my embrace.

 Honestly speaking, I was a bit happy that he was finding comfort embracing me in a situation like this but it was also making me sad to see him break down like this.

He remained  in my embrace for a while. I can feel that he stopped crying or stopped doing anything at all. So I look at him and notice that he fainted.


I got super worried and carried him to his room in bridal style. I put him down on the bed and wiped his face with a wet towel. His nose was a little red due to all crying, which was making him look a normal person.

I was about to call the doctor when I noticed him stirring on his bed.

He was awake. I told him that I am calling doctor but he said he was tired so maybe that's why he fainted. He asked me not to call the doctor and he will be fine if he will eat anything which will give him some energy. 

I know I made him do a whole lot of work today. So as an apology I decided to call for food delivery and ordered chicken for him. I know he hasn't consumed anything non veg ever since he started working for me.

Our order arrived and Ray was on cloud nine as soon as he saw the content inside his food container. We ate till our stomach exploded. For some weird reason, I was happy seeing him happy . Since I don't care about anyone's happiness except for my family and close friends of course.

I  ordered Ray to stay in bed and let me finish the remaining work, which wasn't a lot.

After I was done with everything I went to my room and took a shower. I practiced a bit after that and then I decided to call the day off.

I was sleeping peacefully while snuggling to my pillow when suddenly I had the urge to throw up. I ran inside the bathroom and threw everything out in the toilet, I kept throwing up until my stomach was empty.

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