Meeting the crystal gems!

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(Y/N) Perspective.

"Finally I made it to Beach City! I've been waiting to see this strange behavior!" You start unpacking and crush something. "Oh no!" You try to find it and spotted what you crushed. "My camera! I need to record the strange things!" You sigh sadly and check your wallet to see how much money you have. "Only 38 cents, I can't buy a new camera with that much!" You continue unpacking sad you broke your camera. 

Time skip

"Finally done unpacking, I need to see this action!" "But first I need to get a new camera before I do" You add. You go outside to explore to feel better. You go to the ocean next to the giant hill watching the ocean waves, then suddenly you hear laughing and chatter. You get up to see who is talking and see a boy with a pink and white organic jacket and pink flip flops talking to three oddly colored people. "Hi, there! Are you new to Beach City?" The boy said as he spotted you "Yes I am, how did you know?" You reply. "I never have seen you before, that's why." He said with a chuckle. "My name is Steven, Steven Universe! What's your name?" He adds "I am (Y/N)" You reply with a polite tone in your voice. "Oh, I haven't told you the names of the gems yet! This is Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl!" As he pointed to each of the gems. "Gems?" You said. "But how can gems live?" You add. "I don't know, they are just aliens. I'd rather not talk about it." He replies "Sorry for bringing it up, I feel mean now." You say in a sad voice "It's okay, please don't be sad." He says. "It's fine." You reply. You ask him if he can help you get money for a new camera. "Sure, I would love to help!" He replies. You went with Steven to the neighborhood to help around the house, you made a lot of money when you added it together! [That's a lot!] You think to yourself surprised. "When you work hard, you get a lot out of it!" Steven says. Then you see the crystal gems come in your direction. You see three new oddly colored people assuming they are more gems. "Hey, Steven!" The blue one says. "Hey, Lapis! This is my new friend!" Steven replies to this "Lapis" gem person. "Who is that?" The green one says. "This is (Y/N). I just met her" "Hello, I am Y/n." You reply in a polite tone.

A/n: Word count - 429

I tried my best I might not be updating my fan fiction lately and for that, I am truly sorry for not updating for a bit. I hope you still enjoy it, Bye!

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