Romanogers: Bring Her Back

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(After the Battle) (We gonna pretend that Tony is healing and the Gauntlet is still around for use) PS: I know I'm a little late to the Romanogers Endgame stories thing, but I hope you like it anyway.

Steve sat down on the couch and closed his eyes as he thought of her. 

Yes her. Natasha Romanoff. The girl of his dreams. His best friend, who he was in love with. The only person whose smile was a tattoo in his brain, the one thing he always would remember about her. The girl who was lying dead because of a stupid orange rock.

Steve thought about her all the time. He missed her. He never got the chance to tell her how he felt and he wanted to bring her back, but the other Avengers refused to let him try. They thought that it would kill him. They all wanted Nat back too, but they didn't want Steve to fail and die, which would mean another one of their teammates and friends was dead.

For a while they all thought Tony was a goner for sure. But he was taken to Wakanda where they had a ton of technology and medicine to help him. Steve just wished that they had some sort of something to bring Nat back.

Steve decided that he was tired of sitting around. He had to do something and he had to do it now. He no longer cared about what the other Avengers said. He would rather die trying to save her than die still missing her and regretting not doing anything.

Steve walked out of the compound and saw that Bruce was outside with Sam and Bucky. The time machine was out there too.

"What are you guys doing?" Steve asked.

"One of us has to go back in time and return the stones. Bucky was planning on doing it." Sam explained. Steve shook his head.

 "I'll do it." He said. He knew what he had to do to get Natasha back. "I'll do it tommorow. It's getting late guys. We should go get some sleep."

Later that night, Steve was still awake. He knew none of the Avengers would ever let him bring the gauntlet back in time, but it was the only thing he needed besides the stones, to bring her back.

Steve snuck out of his room, downstairs to where the gauntlet was being kept. He grabbed it and ran outside. He had listened closely to what Bruce had been saying about the machine and Steve knew that there was a way to set a sort of timer for the machine. 

Steve didn't know a lot about machines, but his desire to save Nat fueled him to succeed. Once he finally set the timer up, Steve got on the platform with gauntlet and the stones. He had his suit on and was ready to go. 

Steve remembered the last time he saw Nat. They were on the platform and her voice still rang in his ears. 

"See you in a minute."

Steve closed his eyes, and waited for the machine to transport him to Vormir. A minute later, Steve opened his eyes and found himself on Vormir.

"Welcome, Steve, son of Sarah." Red Skull said.

Steve whipped around and said, "Hey old friend. Long time no see, huh?"

Red Skull smirked and replied, "Yes, now what are you here for? The stone is not here anymore."

"I know." Steve said. "I have it. I want to bring back Natasha." 

"You know that is not possible. The sacrifice is iriversible." Red Skull said, a little impatiently.

"Well I'm gonna try anyway." Steve said. 

He put the gauntlet on and the stones came into their proper positions. Steve felt a powerful energy traveling up his arm, and coursing through his veins. 

It's for Natasha, he thought to himself. Do it for Nat.

Steve snapped his fingers and he felt a strong pain throughout his whole body.

Am I dying? He thought. Come on Nat, I need you.

Steve collapsed to the ground and didn't notice the figure in front of him.

It was Nat. She was still the same as she was before she died. Same braid going down her back. Same time travel suit that she had been wearing before. 

What the hell, Natasha thought to herself. Why aren't I dead?

Natasha looked around behind her and saw Steve lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Steve!" Natasha ran towards him and knelt beside him. She shook him trying to get him to wake up. "Come on Steve, wake up dammit!" She yelled, trying to keep her tears in. 

"You bring me back, now don't leave me!" Natasha said, as a few stray tears fell down her face.

She checked Steve's pulse. It was weak but he was still alive. Come on, Nat thought. Wake up!

Finally, Natasha decided to do something she had longed to do again since the day on the escalator. She leaned down and kissed Steve. She put all her love and passion for Steve into that kiss, and it worked.

Natasha suddenly felt Steve kissing her back. She pulled away and Steve sat up next to her.

"Steve?" Natasha asked. He nodded.

"I'm guessing by that kiss that you are happy to see me." Steve said, smiling.

"On my god, Steve!" Natasha said happily. She tackled him into a hug and he held on to her tightly. "You brought me back." Nat said quietly. "Why?"

"Because I think I love you Natasha. And I know I can't live without you." Steve said smiling at her.

Natasha felt tears running down her cheeks, which Steve gently wiped away with his thumbs. 

Nat had never felt this way before. She was usually afraid to cry in front of people, as it made her look weak. But when she was with Steve, she didn't care, and he brought out a different side of her. The soft, sweet, and sensitive side. He was her weakness.

"I think love you too Steve." Nat said, still crying. 

Steve leaned in and kissed her again.

"I know I love you, Natasha." Steve said. And they leaned in to kiss each other for the third time.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked it! Go check out my other stories of you haven't already. 

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