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grayson's point of view

I couldn't move. As much as I tried, my body was glued to the couch. I turned my head, not wanting to stare out the window any longer. I began to stare at the handsome man that sat just a few feet in front of me. I could see the evident fear on his face. That's when I knew that thing was back to kill me, and Ethan too if we didn't do anything. However, the adrenaline in my body had come to halting stop, and instead of getting up and fighting for my life or fleeing, I was stuck in place.

"Grayson...We have to move, now." Ethan had whispered harshly. At least one of us was able to move, and try and think of an escape plan. "I-I-I," Words weren't even coming out of my mouth at this point. The jumbled letters hadn't even made sense to me, so how were they supposed to make sense to Ethan? "Grayson. I know you're scared, but-but that fucking thing outside is staring at us like we're its last meal. So if you want to see another day, I suggest you snap out of the fucking trance you're in right now, and fight for our lives!" 

Ethan's words were replaying over and over in my head. But, he was right, he was so right. I was already in so much pain from this creature- this monster, that if I didn't act now, I'd die. I was close when it first attacked me, but Ethan had come out of nowhere and saved me from floating to my final resting place. So now, I had to return the favor. I wanted to live, and I wanted Ethan to live too. It was now time for Grayson Bailey to snap out of his fear, and fight for his fucking life, because, he wasn't going down without a fight. Wow. Now I've started to talk in the third person, guess this shit is getting serious. 

I came out of my daze with a chuckle; Ethan looking at me incredulously, his eyes saying "question mark". I rolled my eyes, "I'm ready. Let's go destroy this bitch." Ethan smirked, "We need a game plan before we do anything. We can't just jump into the fighting. We have no idea what this thing is capable of-" "It's capable of breaking bones and destroying flesh." I had interrupted, trying to bring light to the situation. Ethan didn't look so impressed. "Like I was saying, we need to plan something, fast. Do you remember anything from when you were attacked?" He asked. I thought for a moment, or two. 

The night I was attacked was blurry, but that would be expected when you were consuming mass amounts of alcohol in the middle of the woods. It was a bad idea on my part, I was forced along with my friends. A party in the woods had turned into the worst day of my life in a matter of hours. The more I thought of that terrible night, I was forced into the memory, and I soon was watching my own self from the woods.

The Grayson in the memory, was sitting on a log, holding a red solo cup. His so-called "friends" were around him, talking about stupid shit, as most if not all, were drunk. The party had been going on for a few hours, Grayson had lost time. It wasn't until the blaring of sirens, specifically police sirens broke him out of the haze he was in. He shot to his feet immediately, hearing the yells of his friends that told him to run as fast he could into the woods. Grayson did so, and being on the high school track team had really helped him out with running from the cops. 

The drive to the party was a long one, I could remember that. I could remember Kristen and Easton blasting music on the drive there while I sat in the back of the car. But I didn't know that we were driving near the edge of Montana, almost to Washington State. They had dragged me along because 1, I never got out of the house, and 2, they were the friends of Alex, and they now wanted to become friends with me because I was the last thing close enough to Alex. Of course, they wouldn't be friends with my parents. Everyone hated my parents. I too, after awhile.

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