The Talk

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Later that night, as Fleur and Bill were lying in bed, talking about mundane things as couples often do, Fleur asked, "What ees this talk we are supposed to have with Ron?" Since moving to England Fleur's English had improved dramatically, though occasionally she slipped into her native French accent.

Bill sighed. "Charlie thinks Ron is gay & in love with Harry. So does Burns. At first I wasn't sure, but after hearing what Ron had to say about his relationship with Hermione, I'm beginning to suspect Charlie is right."

"Ron said he & Hermione are no longer a couple."

"It sounds to me like they never really were," said Bill. "They knew each other for 7 years, and it's only been in the last year that they developed feelings for each other. And before Hermione Ron never mentioned interest in any other girl, not one. Doesn't that seem a little strange for a teenage wizard? Either Ron is really thick, which I know he's not, or he just wants a girlfriend because he feels like he should."

"And Ron did say he questions whether he ever really did have feelings for her," said Fleur. "I noticed, too, that when Ron and Harry were together, Ron hung on Harry's every word. I didn't think of it at the time, but Ron did seem very attached" she said thoughtfully.

"I noticed that too. Last summer, when both Harry & Hermione were coming to stay, Ron seemed much more excited to see Harry, it was all he could talk about for a week beforehand. He only mentioned Hermione once or twice" observed Bill.

"Do you think Harry might feel the same way about Ron?" asked Fleur.

"I have a feeling he doesn't" stated Bill. "He seems interested in Hermione, and lately Ginny seems to be drawing his eye too. Of course you never know, anybody can turn out to be gay (or bi), but I have a feeling Harry isn't."

"Poor Ron," said Fleur. "I'm sure you didn't know, but my fazzer is gay," said Fleur. "Maybe he can talk to Ron? I think eet helps that he has Charlie as a brozzer, but sometimes it's better to talk to somebody you didn't grow up with. It'd make it easier to ask certain questions. Maybe Dumbledore can talk to him about it, that is if we can lure him out of hiding."

"I don't know, Dumbledore has been so hard to reach since he faked his death. I didn't know about your father. Did he and your mother know when they got married?" asked Bill.

"He didn't realize he was gay until after I was born. Mozzer had her suspicions, but she thought he might go both ways. His family wasn't happy about it, still aren't. I haven't seen my Aunt Frocine in many years. It's no loss, she's very narrow minded. As a child I always thought she might be a dark witch. And she always smells like old cheese & lavender. Ees not a good aroma."

"I never would have guessed! But now that you say it, it makes sense. He seemed rather, how should I put it, fancy."

"Yes, fazzer has always had great style & a flair for the dramatic. It's one of the things Mother loves best about him."

"Your parents seems more like old friends than a romantic couple."

"Oh there is a bit of romance there, I am sure," said Fleur. "Father loves seeing Mother dressed up, he always buys her new gowns & jewels, which naturally Mother loves. They love to go dancing, and often they stay up most of the night just talking & laughing with each other. If you & I are that happy with each other after 30 years, I will think us very lucky."

"Me too," said Bill, "though there is one thing I'm not going to give up." He got up from the bed, straddled Fleur, and took off his shirt.

"Mmmmmm," hummed Fleur, a look of complete love in her eyes.

The Adventures of Roonil Wazlib part 1Where stories live. Discover now