Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

I'm sorry i haven't been writing in you alot lately. It's just when your in a war situation, you dont get the time , or their isn't any place to write. You've always got to keep an eye out for whats around you. I made that mistake yesterday. I got shot. It punctured my Left Kidney, i now have to live with one kidney.

Also, i'm not allowed to fight anymore, apperently it can cause further damage, but i dont care it causes further damage, I just want to fight for our country, is that to much to ask for?

I've got to stay here in Afgan for another 3 weeks, in hospital. Great. Just great. The hospital is such a dull place, i would prefere to be in England than saty here in Hospital, but they're saying that i'm not allowed to fly. Urg.

We've got visitors coming soon from the UK, they've done some charity work for Help For Heroes, which I am very grateful for. Apperntly they are famous all around the world Brooke was telling me. When she visited England 2 months ago, she heard a bit of their music, she cant remember the name of them. Smart Ass.

I'm so sad to e leaving here, especially Brooke. I guess I will just have to visit her, when she has her breaks to England. I love that girl to death, i'm not loosing her.

It's currently, 8am, the guest's are arriving just after noon, i probably wont even get to meet them, considering i've only had a minor injury.

It's nice writing in you again, I miss writing all my emoctions down,

I will write in you later, i will probably for the next 3 weeks, seeing i will be super bored!-_-


Lots of Love



I closed my Diary shut, preparing for the boring ahead of me. Sitting in a room, staring at the 4 bland white walls around me, occassionally having a conversation with the Doctor who comes in, but apart from that, I am going to be just sitting here all day in silence.

There isn't even a T.V, as the hospital cant afford that, I dont have my iPod, whats the point? I am meant to be fighting. The only music i have, is my own. Yes I sing a little. My ambition in life was once i finish serving in war, going back to the UK and trying to become a singer, and from there i will donate 75% of my earnings to soldiers in the war, but that is not going to happen. Where would I start? Plus i have stage fright. This is my secret, no one knows about my ambition to become a singer, no one even knows i can sing.

I'm not allowed to move out of my bed for atleast a week and half, as my Kidney got removed I'm all bandaged up and lets just say, I am very sore. Everytime i move, a shot of pain shoots up my body.

Hours pass, with me just staring at the walls, can life get any more boring? I am dreading spending the next 3 weeks like this, lets just hope the guest bring something to--

"Lilly?" The doctor asked knocking on my door, asking to come in.

"Come in" I reply. She walks in, she is lovely, she's around 30, her brown hair is always tied up in a neat ponytail, she's Irish, i just love listening to her accent.

"I've told you about the visitors that are going to be staying here for the next 2 weeks, haven't I?" Her Irish voice echoed throught the empty room. I nodded my head in reply.

"Good, well they are coming to visit you, there will be camera's, so do you need any help freshening up?" Why, did they have to pick me, urg.

"Okay, yes please, could you just grab my Make-up bag from over there please" I gestured to my dressing table. She nodded and handed my the Make Up bag.

"Anything else?" "No thank you, im okay thanks"

With that said, she left the room and closed the door gently behind her. I looked at the clock, 12.31. I thought it was later. Gosh these days are going to go slow.

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