Chapter 0

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Many people don't confess their feelings to the person they like

Which is totally normal as getting rejected sucks

You cry, whine, get angry and everything is just sad

It's a feeling no one wants to experience

But if you're lucky and the person reciprocates your feelings, you'll be the happiest being on earth

Dates, hugs, kisses and all other moments of affection will fill your entire day

However it's also important to remember that fights and doubts about each other can occur

Being in a relationship is tough. But no matter the obstacles, as long as your together, things can work out just fine

''Hey I'm Luka, it's nice meeting you''

''Wow, you're really good at drawing. Mind if I take a look at your sketchbook?''

''Thanks for the help Y/n. I owe you one''

''Are you really alright? You can always tell me the truth you know?''

''Hey now, I'm just messing with you''

''I'll always be here for you Y/n. Don't ever forget that''

''I hope you cheer me on. Your support means everything''

In all these moments, I remember just how much fun we had together

Unfortunately, it only took one single person to change all of that. I wouldn't dare use the word ruin but it definitely wasn't the same afterwards 

''Her name's Marinette. I haven't talked to her much but I can tell she's a really kind and heartwarming person''

'' Did you know she's an artist too? I've seen some of her sketches and just like yours, they're really impressive ''

''After what she did during the attack at my house, I can say with certainty that she's the bravest person if've ever meet''

''Perhaps its sounds crazy but Y/n...she really does inspire me''

'' Hey, can I tell you a secret? I think-No, I'm sure that I like her'

When does words left your mouth I felt something unpleasant. A new sensation that I didn't appreciate one bit

At first I tried to ignore it

Tell myself it would pass

But the more I denied it's existence, the more it grew

Eventually, it became to much to bare

I couldn't lie to myself anyone more 

For a long time, I only saw you as a friend. A gentle and carrying person that I looked up to

 Then we became best friends. Formed a bond with deeper thoughts and secrets

A bond I didn't want to lose 

And without noticing, this desire to be close with you made me start seeing you in a different way

Apart from your family, I knew you better than anyone else. Your favorite food, animal, hobby and a lot more that wasn't shared with our other friends

And this was also the case for me. I told you so many things that at this point, you could always read me like an open book

Yet one thing remained unknown

One small detail that not even you could figure out 

Truth to be told, I knew this was something I didn't want to share with you. Not because I didn't trust you, but I was scared at how this piece of information would change things

Luka, after all these years, there's one thing you don't know about me

And that is the fact that I have feelings for you

Me, your best friend Y/n, has falling in love

Edited 18/06/2024

( Editing ) My best friend - Luka Couffaine x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now