Chapter 5

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5 Years Later 

I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door creaking open. I peeked over towards the doorway to see my husband and three year old son coming into the bedroom.

My husband held a bed tray full of what looked to be breakfast foods on it. I saw that my son had a piece of paper in his hands that looked like a homemade card.

I opened my eyes fully and smiled as they walked further into the bedroom.

“Mommy!” my son Xavier exclaimed.

My son ran to me and jumped onto the bed joining me. I sat up as best I could as he sat beside me.

 “Xavier be careful around mommy. Remember what I told you,” Aaron warned.

Aaron was so overprotective considering my current state. I’m currently pregnant with our second child this one’s a girl. I’m about seven and half months pregnant. This pregnancy hasn’t been that easy and I was put on bed rest. That wasn’t so bad considering I worked from home in the first place.

After marrying Aaron five years ago our lives have been crazy. For starters we moved from Los Angeles to Chicago during our first couple months of marriage because I was offered an amazing job opportunity.

The Marketing Firm I had been working for had a leader position open in their Chicago office they had opened up out there. Business was good and I loved my job. About six months into living out there I became pregnant.

Aaron and I were so excited back then because it was going to be our first child together. We had always talked about having kids and couldn’t wait to take that next step.

But sadly that child was never born because I miscarried.

The miscarriage was hard on us and I didn’t know if I ever wanted to try again. The hurt we both went through with losing that child wasn’t something I wanted to ever relive.

While on a trip for our first wedding anniversary we conceived again. I had been hesitant about embracing the pregnancy at first in fear it would end like my first one. But thankfully my pregnancy went well and I gave birth to our handsome baby boy that we named Xavier.

After giving birth to Xavier Aaron and I both knew we wanted at least one more child together. We didn’t actually plan on me getting pregnant when I did but we were excited when we heard the news of this second pregnancy.

This pregnancy was a little harder than the pregnancy I went through when I was carrying Xavier. In the beginning of this pregnancy I had bad morning sickness and was so tried. My doctor just recently put me on bed rest because she didn’t want me going into labor early.

Aside from forming our little family Aaron and I have worked hard at having successful careers.

After giving birth to Xavier I wanted to be a stay at home mother but I didn’t want to stop my career.

For this reason I started my own business working from home. I was head of my own promotion company. I worked on many promotion campaigns from business openings to entertainment parties. I have one assistant that I hired to help me and that’s it.

As for Aaron he now has he’s own photography studio. He takes portraits for high profiled clients and is on the rise.

Some of his work he’s done in his studio while at other times clients want him on location. He has a hefty amount of travel with his workload these days.

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