Chapter 3

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6 Months Later

It’s been six months since I’ve woken up from my coma. Aaron and I are still together but something is just off with us. I’ve felt a certain disconnect in our relationship and don’t know what it is exactly. Its like I’m falling out of love with him or we’ve lost our spark.

I know since I told him our wedding was on hold he’d been disappointed. I didn’t want to hurt him but I couldn’t just rush down the aisle with him. If I had of married Aaron a week after coming out of my coma I would have lived to regret it. Marriage is not something that either of us takes lightly. It’s also not a union I wanted us to make until we’re both at a hundred percent.

He might know what he wants and have no doubts but I couldn’t help how I felt.

Since these feelings were starting to consume our relationship I came up with an idea. The idea was to get out of town for a mini vacation that would be a weekend getaway. 

It was Friday and Aaron and I had both gotten off work early. I had managed to get my job with the Marketing Firm back and he was still working for the Photography Magazine Company.

Aaron and I have had yet to be together in a relaxed setting. All we did was our usual routine. We went to work then came home. I would make us dinner then we’d eat in awkward silence at times. We haven’t even made love. We had some heated make out sessions a couple times but that’s all died down. I don’t want things like this but if they don’t improve what is the point of us being together. It feels like we’re both just going through the motions.

I walked into the living room and saw Aaron sitting on the couch watching a show on our television.

I sat down beside him and he looked over at me briefly then back at the television. Why did things have to be so awkward? Its like we’re roommates and not an engaged couple it’s so frustrating.

“Get up,” I said.

“Excuse me?” Aaron said.

“Get up and pack. Aaron we’re going on a little weekend getaway together. Consider it a vacation,” I said.

“I’m fine right here we don’t need to go anywhere,” Aaron said.

I took the remote out of Aaron’s hands and turned off the television. He sat up about to protest but I put my finger to his lips making him kept quiet.

“We haven’t been ourselves in the past six months Aaron. I feel like we’re falling out of love with each other. We’re an engaged couple that lives like roommates. We hardly sleep in the same bed, we have brief conversations, and lack of communication. We need to get away and spend time together one on one in a new setting. If we don’t I don’t think we’ll make it Aaron. If we don’t do this I think it would be better if we-“

“Don’t say it! Keri I’ve just been trying to give you space. You were overwhelmed by how I was before so I’ve taken a step back is all,” Aaron said.

“Well in taking a step back we’ve lost our connection. Aaron I know I told you I was overwhelmed and you were wanting too much too soon but that was six months ago when I first came out of my coma. I didn’t know how to feel about things. Now I’m more adjusted and I can see things aren’t right between us,” I said.

“Keri going away on a vacation will not fix what is lacking between us,” Aaron said.

“It might… How will we ever know if we don’t try?” I reasoned.

“If you want to go away together we can but I doubt you’ll feel any different,” Aaron said.

I explained to Aaron how I thought we should drive down to Malibu for the weekend. It was close and a nice place to get away too. We could go to the beach and have a relaxed time together.

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