"That Butch is going to kill me?" I sweat dropped.

"Yes, and no. It means you're stronger than Butch" she replied to me.

"Really?" I was surprised to hear that.

"Yup. Congrats, leader!" she said and left.

That was the coolest thing ever! Coming from Buttercup, it must be true! She never plays with things like this! Maybe I should go and see how my brothers are doing on their trainings.

"Brick!" Boomer entered the training room.

"Boomer? I was about to look for you! Guess what? Buttercup says I'm stronger than you and Butch!" I told him.

"That's pretty cool! But you should fight against Butch, just to make sure!" he answered me, "anyways, I need your help!"

"What is it?" I asked him.

"I need some advice" he admitted.

My heart jumped. I was little scared for what he was going to said. He just came from training with Blossom. Maybe he likes her and needs my help. This is an awkward situation. I don't know why I even mind, it's not like I like her! On the other hand, maybe he just wants some tips for his leadership lessons. I just hope it's for that! He really needs those extra lessons!

"How can I be more mature?" he asked me.

"Okay, I was not expecting that" I said, evidently confused.

"Please! You're the most mature person I know!" he pleaded me and added before I could say anything, "that I can trust!"

"What's that for?" I asked him with curiosity.

"Just, don't tell anyone, okay?!" he told me, "I like someone."

How was I supposed to react to that? Does my little brother like the same girl as me? I-I mean! M-my friend! He is my brother, I can't let him down. But, should I tell him the truth or just help him and leave the path free for him?

Butch's POV:

I threw the flute against the floor with frustration. Bubbles was giving me music classes to help me use my weapon. It was useless. Why can't I have a real weapon like my brothers? I seated on the floor, giving up already. Bubbles approached to me with a worried expression. She picked up the flute and looked at me.

"Butch, I know you're the tough guy of The Rowdyruff boys, but just look at me! Buttercup is the strongest of the group and has a big hammer that nobody else can lift! Blossom is the fastest of us three and has a powerful yo-yo! And me, I've got a bubble wand! Most people consider that I'm weak because of that! But you know what?!" a smile planted on her face, "I've save many people using it! Even my friends! It doesn't matter if you have a bubble wand or a baseball bat or a flute! Even if you didn't knew how to use it you saved me from HIM! You are strong! You are the weapon! You just need to see it! Don't give up! I believe in you! We're all counting on you!"

She was right. I can't give up now. I stood up to try it again. Also because I wanted her to shut up. Bubbles gave me back the flute and smiled again.

"We're done for today! But you can keep practicing on your own! Practice makes perfection!" she exclaimed and left.

I decided to take a shower and change my clothers. After that, I left the lab. I even forgot about my brothers. I didn't want to go home, so I walked to the park. I tried playing the flute during my path, but it still wasn't working. Once there, I saw Akito and Kaoru riding on their skateboards. Seeing Kaoru so happy and motivated made me smile. She looks so cute when she's happy. Even tho her smile disappears when she sees me, I know she likes me too, she's just hiding it.

"Hey, champ!" Akito greeted me.

"What's up?" I smirked.

"Just taking a ride" he replied to me.

Kaoru was still riding over the ramps, ignoring my presence. Akito was talking to me, but I didn't heard a single word he was saying, I was too distracted. Akito waved his hand in front of my face, calling my attention.

"Damn, man! Look at you! You're drowling!" he exclaimed.

"No I'm not" I cleaned my face.

"Why don't you go and talk to her?" he suggested.

"Na. She doesn't want to talk to me" I told him.

"Why?" he asked me.

"She's mad at me, but I don't know why" I explained him.

"Then ask her" he rolled his eyes.

Akito forced me to approach Kaoru. For the first time, I was nervous. She was completely ignoring me, which was frustrating.

"Kaoru, can we talk?" I tried to be nice.

"Aren't we now?" she replied.

Yup. She's mad. Also we're made for each other.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked her.

She stopped riding her skateboard and looked at me with a angry expression.

"No" she denied.

"I know you're lying" I told her.

"Then why do you ask, mister I know everything?" she said with sarcasm.

Damn, she really is mad!

"Because I want to know why are you mad at me" I explained.

"Because you think that you're better than me on everything!" she shouted at me.

"What?!" I tried not to laugh.

"Don't make fun of me!" she was angrier now.

"Kaoru, I don't think I'm better than you! I mean, I did won the skateboarding competition and also the soccer game but-" I tried to argue.

"See! You keep showing up in front of everyone that you're better than me on everything!" she interrupted me.

"Kaoru, the only person that thinks I'm better than you, it's you. Just listen to yourself!" I told her, big mistake.

Kaoru took her skateboard and approached the ramp while shouting insults at me.

"I'm gonna show you that you're not the only one who can perform a winning move like that, smug!" she warned me.

"Kaoru, what are you doing?!" I asked her, obviously worried.

"Just watch me!" she ignored me.

"Kaoru, I'm not joking! Get down here, now!" I shouted at her.

Kaoru didn't listen to me and started riding over the ramps. She gained enough speed to try to perform my final move from my competition's routine, but failed. Kaoru fell over the ground, catching everyone's attention.

"Kaoru!" I ran to see how she was.

She was not standing up, which made me worry even more. Kaoru started screaming of pain. Akito didn't delay in appearing too.

"It hurts!" she almost cried.

"Which part hurts?" Akito asked her, trying to stay calm.

"My leg" she responded.

Akito stood up and called an ambulance while I took care of her. Seeing her in pain, so vulnerable, it broke my heart. This is all my fault.


Oh, no! Will Kaoru be okay?! Did she broke her leg?! On the other hand, Yoshito is so adorable, don't you think?! Will he be able to gain Miyako's heart?! And Yûsuke, what he will do?! Will he help his little brother?! Will he tell him the truth?! Let's find out!

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