Lucas and riley magic night

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Riley and lucas go in the room and they strat to make out riley said am going to take a shower come on honey let go ok they get in the shower and he strat  making out with her and kiss her   all over she gets out of the shower and they have sex for the first time  omg lucas this feel so good  he kiss her all over such on her neck  give her a hick
THEY HAVE SEX  and make out  and lucas  give her a hick  they have sex again after the 4 time of them have sex riley ywan and said am tired ok let go to sleep riley get in the bed i will be right back ok lucas gose to the bathroom and when he gose to bed  riley's was all ready a sleep   he calw in bed and strat to kiss riley she opens her eyes and look at him i love you and she falls asleep  on lucas  he set the alarm  for 10 and  gose to sleep
The next morning  lucas kiss riley and she strat to wake up riley do you want to have sex again  ok they have sex and make out riley said am going to take a shower and lucas and riley go to take a shower together  and  make out after they get out of the shower they  get dressed pack go to breakfast and go home  riley walk in and maya and smackle are watching a movie  riley walk in  hi guys  riley has hick  on her  the girls look at riley and laugh  guys what do you want  for  lunch  China  ok I will go get it i know what you all like ok riley and lucas kiss maya said riley  stop making out for 5 minutes ok I will be back ok he leaves

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