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"I told you that they came to our school!" A small whisper came from behind Off and Gun as they walked in the hallways.

Off smiled to himself as he heard a faint shutter of a camera.

However, Gun rolled his eyes. The boy was still not used to the fame even though it has been a whole year since he and Off played the roles of Rome and Pick in Puppy Honey.

It wasn't the fame that agitated him per se or the fangirls... It was the way they treated him like some god. They worshipped the very earth he and Off walked on. They cherished both men's steps with cries and squeals.

Off enjoyed it but Gun just wanted to be treated like a human. If someone would just put down the camera and start a conversation unrelated to the topic of his side career, and his televised romance with his best friend.

Two females were soon rushing into their path, a large sharpie and papers were folded into their hands. "Off... Gun Ka~ We were wondering if we could get your autographs."

The tallest one spoke, bowing her head when she was finished. Her hair was long, skin pale and fair. Her lips were as rosy as her cheeks and there was a bounce in her step. Her friend was much shorter, a little chubbier but still a lovely shade of white.

They looked like they could've been half-sisters.

"Of course you can lovelies!" Off took the markers and a paper from each handing one set to Gun who smiled awkwardly as he scribbled his signature sloppily on the loose paper.

They switched papers so that way each girl had a signature from the both of them before giving the supples back.

"Is there going to be a season 2?" The shorter blurted, her eyes looked teary. As if she were going to cry from talking to a pair of amateur actors.

Gun wanted to leave, a class wouldn't start for a while but he hated this situation he was thrust in.

"Now now... You know we aren't allowed to give that information." Off gave the girls stern yet playful looks forcing them both to giggle. The older could practically sense the uninvited feeling Gun was radiating, so he took ahold of his hand.

The girls widened their eyes and immediately started to take pictures. That only aggravated Gun more so he bowed quickly and rushed off.

"Gun! Gun wait-"

Off gave the girls their autographed papers and rushed after his best friend who was marching into Bangkok high.

The building was old, tall, and way bigger than it needed to be. So Off wanted to catch up with Gun before he disappeared to lord knows where within the concrete walls.


Off ran right in front of him, a faltering smile lit up his face as he regained his breath. "What happened?"

Gun looked down sheepishly touching his hands where Off intertwined their fingers moments ago. "I hate being a celebrity." He muttered. "I hate the pictures... and the stares. I didn't even want this Off, you did. and now I have to endure it."

"I didn't know you hated it this much." Off frowned.

Gun furrowed his brows and bit his lip suddenly feeling guilty. He shouldn't blame Off for his issues, it wasn't as if the man forced him on stage at the auditions... Wait, that's exactly what he did.

"C'mon." The older boy came closer, closing their space well aware that anyone and everyone in the hallway could see them. "Didn't you once say it's all in good fun." He took a brave step in grabbing Gun's hips.

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