1 - Real Friends

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Cat Borello glanced over at her friend Jessica Jones, who was slumped down with an annoyed frown on her face. Jessica shifted in her seat, reaching behind her before she drew out her phone and checked the time. Her pale blue eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she let out a loud and irritated groan before crossing her arms and slumping down even lower.

"It's been half an hour, it should not take this long to get a fucking sandwich," Jessica went on.

Cat chuckled, brushing her bright red hair out of her face. "Relax, Jess. She won't be much longer, I can tell."

"You better be right, Borello," Jessica muttered. "Cause if she's not back in five minutes I'm gonna drink bleach."

Cat smiled, reaching out and poking Jessica's arm. "Don't be so dramatic. It's not that serious."

"You know damn well it's that serious," Jessica told her. "She's always late and I'm sick of it."

"C'mon, cut her some slack," Cat said. "You know she runs on FH time."

Jessica huffed. "Well she better start running on regular human being time because FH time is bullshit."

Cat just laughed, turning and looking out the window. Soon enough, a slender blonde girl in white overalls and a black shirt came strutting out of the deli they were parked near, a slim plastic bag swinging back and forth in her hand and a pair of dark sunglasses on her face. Upon seeing Jessica's car, she grinned, then walked up to it before opening the door and climbing inside.

"Sorry I'm late," she began. "I thought I knew what I wanted but-"

"Felicia Hardy," Jessica said, turning around to look at the girl. "I don't give a flying shit about why you were late. All I know is that I'm fed up with it, and that it needs to stop or else I might wind up beating your ass."

Felicia just took off her shades, giving the dark-haired girl a sly, catlike grin. "C'mon, Jess," she teased, pressing a kiss to Jessica's cheek. "You know you love me."

Jessica wiped her cheek, glaring at Felicia. "Bitch I'm about five seconds from giving you a love tap to the face."

"Hey," Cat said, quickly interjecting. "Jess, Leesh, seriously. No fighting today, alright? We don't have time for it, we need to get to school."

The two girls met Cat's eyes, then nodded once before Felicia sat back down and buckled herself, and Jessica turned and nodded at Felicia's driver. Satisfied, Cat smiled and crossed her legs as the elder man pulled away from the deli and drove off to Midtown High School.

That was the dynamic in their little trio. Jessica and Felicia were constantly arguing and bantering, always threatening to fight and/or kill each other, and Cat was there to diffuse things before they actually wound up getting to that point. From the outside, it appeared as if the two girls totally hated each other, but Cat knew better. Jessica and Felicia were as close as they could get without being related, and in the end, they both would die for her and for each other.

The drive was silent, save for the music playing softly from the radio, and the sounds of the city outside. Cat watched the city pass them by, occasionally checking her phone to see if her sister had texted, only to see that there were none each time. Worry began to eat at her; it was so unlike Sabina to go radio silent before she went to work.

Sabina was Cat's older sister. The responsibility of caring for Cat had fallen on her after their parents had died, and even though Cat was older now and more independent, Sabina still hadn't 100% given up all her duties. Before the house fire that killed their parents, Sabina had been reckless and wild - staying out late, getting drunk, and doing dangerous things all for the hell of it. She hadn't really cared much about Cat, since she knew their mothers would take care of her. But after the house fire, Sabina totally rethought her lifestyle and changed her ways. She stopped partying, came home at eight every night, stopped drinking, and got herself a steady job that payed moderately well. She made sure to be there for Cat whenever she needed it, and put her little sister first no matter what.

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