'I do believe you didn't answer my question.' Revali suddenly broke the silence, causing you to look up at him.

'Hmmm?' You asked, twirling your hair with your finger.

'How did you get here? And why?'

'Sheikah Slate, which I kinda ditched.'

The bird raised his thick yellow eyebrows. 'What?! That's preposterous! I am of course aware that Hylians are not the brainiest of folks, but this is just absurd! You're basically stuck here for the moblins to pick you off!'

Not at all phased by his words, you sighed before saying, 'I don't care at this point. I don't want to go back.'

'And why not?!'

You couldn't say. You began crying again, even more hysterically than before. You had never been in so much pain before, and now the realisation hit you that you were stranded and had no way out. You were aware of how reckless people could be when they were in pain, but Revali was right, there was no excuse for this absurdity. To your surprise, you were suddenly wrapped in a pair of warm, soft wings. You felt the heat of his body against your chest, and instinctively latched on to him. You gripped at his sides tightly, in desperate need of comfort. You could feel his beak resting atop your head as he attempted to soothe you.

'Shhh, stop crying. Things won't get any better like this,'

You couldn't stop.

'Okay, okay fine. Keep wetting my feathers.'

Revali mentally slapped himself. His comments were only making the situation worse. The girl was clearly already blaming herself for whatever events prior to this occurred, and he realised that there must be something seriously wrong.

After pulling away, he gently wiped your face with the feathers on your fingers and gazed softly into your heartbroken eyes. This time, his eyes were much more gentle and compassionate.

'Tell me what happened...' he whispered.

You sniffed before taking a deep breath. 'I was out searching for some stuff, and when I came home I saw the door to my house open. I knew that only my boyfriend/girlfriend was in there at the time, so I was kinda confused when I heard.... strange... noises... coming from inside. And when I walked in... I found him/her IN BED WITH ANOTHER GIRL!!!!!!' You screamed that last part of the sentence.

Revali gasped, now horrified by not only your situation, but by the way he had treated you from the beginning. It was as if he had kicked a dog when it was down. He even felt tears pricking his own eyes. This was just so sad. He rubbed your arm gently and slowly, allowing you to take your time if you needed.

'I didn't say anything. I just ran... and then I grabbed my Sheikah slate. I needed to get away. My eyes flickered across the land, until I found Eventide Island. I decided I'd stay here and rot like I deserve to, Revali!'

'Stop this Right now! I don't know you, but I can most certainly tell you that is NOT what you deserve. You're far too vulnerable to be on this island, or anywhere by yourself! However, I do not blame you in the slightest for your spontaneous actions. I, too, probably would've reacted in the same way. Your ex was completely in the wrong and he/she will forever suffer the consequences for his/her actions. I'm really sorry for my deplorable behaviour, and equally sorry for almost squashing the life out of you. By the way, how did you know my name?'

'Everyone knows your name...' you replied, confused as to why he'd asked.

'Perhaps, however, I have yet to know your name, young Hylian.'

'My name is Y/N.'

'Well, Y/N, you are most privileged! It is not everyday one gets to meet the great master Revali, the master of all archery, the king of aerial expertise, the— wait, I'm sorry.'

'That's alright,' you smiled for the first time. It surprised both yourself and Revali equally, You were 100% sure nobody could ever make you smile again, let alone days after the incident. And despite his bluntness, for some inexplicable reason, you enjoyed Revali's company. 'So, now you know my story, what brings you here? And why did you fall on me?'

His feathers ruffled for a second, embarrassed by the latter question. So he began with the former. 'Well, the flight range back home is currently in use for a huge training project for the others in the village, and I normally practice perfecting my new updraft there. But I figured this place would be a safer option. But I guess I was wrong. When I was in the process of creating my updraft, and soaring off into the sky, I lost my balance and was tossed out of the sky. I figured I would land in the sea, but instead, I landed on you. I hope I didn't hurt you too bad.' He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

'Don't worry about it, you can't possibly hurt me anymore than my ex already has.' You said. 'Hey, perhaps you can show me your updraft one day?'

'Come on, Young Y/N. It's time to get you off of this island.' Revali gestured for you to follow him to the shoreline.

You vigorously shook your head. 'No way. Over my dead body am I ever going back.'

Revali sighed, hoping to somehow find a resolution to this. Despite only knowing this young Hylian girl for hours, he felt compelled to protect her like nobody else. 'It would be dishonourable of me to leave you here to die. Which would be inevitable. May I ask where are you from?'

'Kakariko village, and I'm never going back!' You said adamantly.

'I gathered as much. I'd never force you to go back. Nor can I allow you to become moblin food here! Now please climb onto my back.' He lowered his body, positioning himself so you were able to climb on. However, you didn't do so. You instead said, 'Where do you plan on taking me?'

'Rito village is a long way away from Kakariko village. You should be safe there.'

'You mean, you'd let me stay in your village?!'

'It's the only viable option at this point. Come on, the sun is already setting and there's a blood moon tonight! Let's go before it gets too dangerous!'

And with that, you climbed onto his oddly comfortable back, and the two of you soared off into the night.


A/N: Thanks for reading! If you liked this, I've got a full finished Revali  x Reader book on my profile called 'My Champion' and I'd love to have you read it! (Also it's close to 1k now omg) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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