True Power! Ch. 6

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Katsuki POV

We were in the ambulance and were heading to the hospital. Uncle Toshi called Aunt Inko and Recovery Girl to inform them about what happened.

When we arrived at the hospital Izu was rushed to surgery and we had to wait. We waited for three hours in total before the doctor came out looking Grimm. He walked over to us and we began to expect the worst "I'm sorry, but your daughters hero career is over," aunt and uncle began to cry and so did I "Is t-there anyth-ing you c-can do?" I asked now sobbing. The doctor just shook his head "Unless she unlocks another quirk there is nothing I can do I... I'm sorry," we all broke down crying.

We asked if we could see her but we didn't have to she came to us "M-mom, D-dad, K-Katsuki?, she came at us then collapsed I was the furst to be by her side "Hey you dork, dont walk your in pretty bad shape as it is," she grinned then fell asleep. "Will she be able to recover?" The doctor looked at us then nodded "She wont die, she is just very injured and wont be able to be a hero anymore," I let a tear slide down my face "It doesnt matter if your a hero or not I will always be here for you my beloved Izu," I wispered to her so that only the unconscious Izu could hear.

One Month Later

I went to go visit Izu again today knowing she was going to be devasted now that she woke up from her coma. I opened the door and saw the impossible her hair was now as white as newly fallen snow (And that's white AF in Michigan) it was also really smooth "Now Izu don't tell me you awakened another quirk?" She looked at me then smiled and brought out bandages that cover a newly regenerated arm "W-wha how?" She laughed then pointed to the seat beside her "Well it was weird but I was in a dream fighting myself and things I'd wished I'd done, until I heard you wisper to me "It doesnt matter if your a hero or not I will always be here for you my beloved Izu," I began to blush "And so after some thought finally came to a decision," I was really intrigued by this 'What decision?' I thought in my head "Katsuki Bakugou," this really grabbed my attention she never uses my first and last name in a sentence "Y-yes?" "I want you to marry me," I was shocked "B-but we aren't old enough to do that, I-I mean don't get me wrong I would marry you in a heartbeat but legally we can't," I was genuinely happy that she would choose me, the hot headed irrational type as her husband. She laughed at my comment "Katsuki I love you and I don't care what the law is I want to get married to you, Katsuki Bakugou there'll also be no saying no either you don't get a choice this time around!" She said sternly "B-but Izu I don't want to get arrested, so how about we wait till after school?" I asked hopping that she would agree.

After a lot of convincing Izu finally gave in and we agreed that after school we would get married. Izu was released the next day with a full recovery including her new arm. She was given a week before returning to school abd during that week something weird happened.

"Hey dad you called me?" Uncle Toshi nodded "I wanted to discuss something with the two of you," we nodded waiting for what he was about to say. "You see Izu I plan to retire from being a hero soon and I want to know if you'll inherit One for All?" Izu looked at him wide eyed then just smiled "No dad I don't want One for All but..." She turned and looked at me "...I want my future husband to inherit your quirk!" Uncle Toshi looked surprised gearing husband then remembered a talk he had about wolves being really clingy. "Ok then..." He looked at me and continued "Katsuki Bakugou will you be the successor for my quirk One for All?" I was shocked to say the least "I will accept and I will use it to save everyone I can from anything!" Uncle Toshi nodded with a smile "Then young Bakugou, eat this!" He plucked a hair of his from his head "Wha?" "This is not a joke u went through the same thing as well when I received the quirk!" I grabbed it reluctantly and swallowed it. "Ok so I dont fe... Oh I have to digest it don't I?" He nodded "Gross!"

A week later

We were going back to school and Izu was beyond nervous "What if they all began to hate me while I was gone? What if they bully me now? What if...!" I cut her off by kissing her passionately "They have all been looking forward to you return and so have I, my beautiful feature bride!" I whispered into her ear she stopoed tensing up and looked at me "I want kids," i nearly flew out the window hearing this "W-what Izu we arent even out of school yet!" She laughed "I know I'm just messing with you!" I laughed nervously as she looked at me suductivly "Ok we gotta go to school!" I said quickly because I didn't like where this was going.

We got to school and everyone was surprised to see Izu. But what was the real shocker was her new arm that should have been gone "Hello everyone! I have returned and have now put up my territory so no one touches my Katsuki without my permission got that!" The entire class nodded "Good, Oh and great seeing you all again!" They all smiled at her not noticing the different colour of hair.

School went like usual and we were now on our way home. I felt unusually warm and looked to see Izu was looking at me suductivly again. I chose to ignore it when we reaxhed her house and found a note "Sorry Izu but your father and I have to go to America for a few days because he has a meeting. We will see you when we get back,"

-Mom and Dad

After she read this aloud she looked at me then grabbed me by the collar "Oh I'm going to rock your world tonight!" She said making me blush wildly "Wait I-Izu shouldn't we're still in school and..." She kissed me releasing a pheramone that screemed 'Do it!' "It's Friday we have a whole weekend to spend some intimate time together!" She pulled me to her and I room and threw me on the bed literally.

She began undressing in front of me and this turned me on. "O-ok ill agrre to this as long as we use a condom," I stated not planning on being pushed back but it happened anyways "How about we have sex, in two weeks I take the test, and we have a wolf pup? Ya I like that plan better!" She tackled me and one thing led to another and we had sex.

The next morning Izu had a strange scent to her and was glowing "Oh shut!" I wisoered to myself while she was taking a shower. I began running scenarios in my head until Izu came out of the shower "Dont worry ill tell them I forced you to so you don't get in trouble!" "B-bug Izu..." She walked over and kissed me "No buts," she saud before resuming her barrage of kisses.

After a few hours of us being around each other I decided to tell her what I picked up before her shower "Izu before I tell you this I want you to ve open minded, ok?" She laughed "I know silly I'm pregnant that's the point of what we did last night remember?" She continued laughing until her look became serious "You better not leave me or this child!" she said rubbing her belly "Trust me I wont leave you my bride to be," I said back making her blush wildly.

Author/ Story's God POV

Don't worry you two no more death.

Ok that's the next chapter. I didn't like the feeling I had so I gave her a fix to her problem and am planning something or someone special to join the story. Hope you all enjoyed. Ja!

The Alpha Wolf (Fem Wolf Izuku x Bakugou)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin