Reformed Rainbow

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After Harry bombed Rainbow HQ after he died, The body count reported only two dead: Inferno and Smoke, both being killed by Harry. The UN decided to put an operator who had been apart of Rainbow the longest in charge, so they chose me. It's been seven years, and Ash still hasn't gotten over Inferno's death. Inferno told me that him and Ash were perfect fits. I agreed with that. Those two had the same talents and traits. They both shared a love of turning things to "ashes", as Ajax put it. I even heard that after the takedown of Harry, he was going to propose to Ash. Shame he never will. Smoke didn't have many friends. He died as he lived life: throwing those canisters of his. I hope that one day we see those two again. The UN sent us an American and a Dane to make up for Inferno's death. They made up for it when the American discovered a secret White mask prison with seven inmates and 300,000 guards. If Inferno was still alive, he would be here. We heard that inmate 7 had escaped and was chilling at a bar so I went to meet him.

I spotted him easily, he had a huge ass beard and was wearing GEO uniform.
"You Seven?" I asked the man.
"Si. Name's Fernando. What do you want to know amigo?" Fernando asks.
"I was curious if this man was in the same prison as you. We're old comrades." I ask, passing a picture of Inferno. Fernando looks at the photo and nods.
"Inmate 5." He says before leaving.

"Well?" Ash asks. Over the past few months she started wearing different clothes, wearing a black colored version of Nomad's uniform.
"He's there. Inmate 5." I answer. She smiles, the first time in months.
"I'll get the team." She says before getting in the van.

Secret Prison, Ajax's POV
I notice that the guards had become more confident, as they had killed the other five inmates, leaving only one to guard.
"Up against the wall inmate!" A guard says as he enters my cell. I smile and wait for him to get close before I turn around and snap his neck while he's searching my cot. I grab the guards AUG and pull the bolt back.
"Time to go to work." I mutter before I leave the cell. Immediately I Gun down a White Mask who had been looking at his phone. Another guard tries to hit me from behind, but I'm not stupid. I grab the second guards weapon, a shotgun, and aim it at the third guard. I fire, blowing a hole straight through the White Mask. I then continue walking to the armory, killing guards along the way. When I arrive, I put on my Hellenic Marine uniform and grab my G36C and Glock 17, along with my Hellfire mines.

Ash's POV
As we enter the facility I hear the telltale thud of dead bodies as well as the sound of a G36C assault rifle going off, Ajax must have gotten loose and made it to the armory. I kill a White Mask who had drawn his handgun, before we heard unmanly screams and a dead white mask falls from a bridge on the second floor with a slit throat. Then Ajax appears their and sees us.
"Give me a second Ash! I have a woman to grab!" Ajax says before disappearing. He then reappeared dragging a woman who was struggling while swearing in Gaelic.
"Shut up 8, I'm not going to kill you." Ajax says while grinding his teeth.
"Then who the hell are they?" She asks, just then noticing us by the door.
"Old colleagues of mine." Ajax replies before the operators and the prisoners walk out to a VTOL waiting for them.

Rainbow HQ
As the VTOL landed, the group of Rainbow operators walked out and into he base, where Thatcher and a few operators waited.
"Good to see you alive Ajax." Thatcher says to the Greek marine, drawing the attention of several new operators and Inferno's replacement, along with a few veteran operators.
"Boss, who is this guy? You know that we can't let random civilians into the base." A new operator asks as he walks up to the Senior officer.
"Civilian? Son, this is Hellenic marine Lochias Ajax "Inferno" Angelo, former Rainbow Operator, Ex-White mask super-soldier, and old friend of Captain John Price. This marine is anything but a civilian, so show some respect." Thatcher explains. The new operators look at the man in shock, before noticing a gadget on his waist: the infamous Hellfire Mine.
"You're the guy who created the Hellfire Mine?" An American in Secret Service uniform asks the Greek operator. Ajax nods.
"Inferno here created the Hellfire mine during his time in the Hellenic Armed Forces. That mine, along with his track record in both counter-terrorism and Urban/Guerrilla Warfare earned him the attention of the Cerberus PMC, also known as the White Masks, and Rainbow." Dokkaebi says as she walks up to the group with Finka and Caveira. Soon the Russians walked down the hallway to their dorm with a new face in their ranks, a recruit who looked a lot different from the others. Kapkan was the first to see the familiar Greek operator among the crowd.
"Comrade Ajax?" He asks. Ajax notices the Russian and walks towards the group.
"Good to see your still kicking Maxim." Ajax replies before Tachanka picks him up in a hug bear hug.
"It is good to see you alive and well comrade!" Tachanka says before releasing the Greek operator.
"Comrade Tachanka, who's this guy, pardon me asking." The new Russian operator asks the former Soviet soldier.
"Comrade Y/N, meet one of Comrade Maxim's good friends, Comrade Ajax Angelo. Comrade Ajax here is a legacy Among the people who care to have a drink with us Spetsnaz." Tachanka explains to the Spetsnaz recruit.
"Now Comrades, I believe that Inferno's return is enough reason for a celebration!" Fuze declares to which the rest of Rainbow agrees to in cheers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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